God please lie down

Chapter 188 Destroy the experience, it's not enough

Chapter 188 Destroy the experience, it's not enough

With such an attack, Luo Yan felt that Xiao Muchen's level was probably higher than what they thought.

Just looking at his operations, he might only think he is very handsome.

But as long as you observe carefully, you will know that he is rough and fine, and this is the most terrifying.

Offense is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is organized offense.

That is impossible to defend against, and the TW team's original style of play is a bit aggressive, now with Xiao Muchen, it can be said that they are facing RW, the outcome is unknown, no one knows what kind of variables will happen.

"Your style of play is not only ruining other people's game experience, but also making people want to uninstall the game."

Although they opened their own numbers, from a certain point of view, they have cooperated for a long time, and they have a special tacit understanding with each other.

But in terms of cooperation, it is difficult to compare with the general five rows.

So their style of play looks very fierce, but if it is put on the professional arena, it may not have such a good effect.

They are also well aware of this.

The passerby game is to temper the cooperation between them, not to find any sense of superiority.

"no way."

Lu Yan also knew that what Ling Xia said was the truth, but the opponent who made them go down was a bit strong.

It was clearly aimed at Xiao Muchen, no one knew what kind of routine he would come up with.

It is said that it is a battle of revenge, but to put it bluntly, it is to find out the truth. After all, Xiao Muchen's status in the league is still a bit high.

Give him the minimum respect, and even think about what kind of improvement he has made in the past two years.

It is estimated that I also want to know in advance, but this battle is a bit over.

"We are all implicated, don't say it."

"A good training match is almost turning into a grievance and hatred. It's a headache just thinking about it."

Jiu Hen is still holding his promise keeping, and is still aiming at it.

While listening to their discussion there, he interrupted.


Xiao Muchen, who had been busy killing people without speaking for a long time, raised his eyebrows slightly at this moment.

Jiu Hen resolutely chooses to shut up, he really can't say these words casually, otherwise something might happen after a while.

So, in an instant, no one uttered a word.

And then, game over.

On the opposite side, not only did not get a single head, but even a tower was not pushed down.

It can only be described as miserable, but it was not so cruel in the first place.

It was all because Xiao Muchen wanted to fight more fiercely, and it turned out like this. Thinking about it, I feel a little shocking.

"continue or not?"


So the five of them made a start, and played a few more rounds before eating at noon, and the results were almost the same.

But most of the heroes used by each other are different, but one thing is true, most of them are offensive heroes, which can start a team and protect people.

What they are mainly doing now is to touch all these familiar heroes.

Some heroes are probably about to be suppressed at the bottom of the box, and then suddenly they are taken out again.

What calculations were made in the middle, probably only the members of their team knew.

While eating, Luo Yan picked up his phone and looked at the data, five consecutive victories.

There is nothing to say about the lineup, except that it is fierce.

Although he was fierce in the past, at least he paid attention to propriety, but now, he is completely reckless.

Everyone can see that Xiao Muchen is serious this time.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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