God please lie down

Chapter 1894 Passing by your youth

Chapter 1894 Passing by your youth
Because at that time, Xiao Muchen might have already considered this kind of situation.

This whole body is what it is.

Unlike what you know, what you think is that you are being sought after by others, and there will be people cheering for you.

But that's just on the surface. If you really talk about it, there should be a lot of people secretly criticizing you.

It also means saying anything, although Xiao Muchen didn't go on Weibo very much, but he still saw it.

Therefore, he behaved like this in order to protect Xi Nuan.

You like someone, but you don't even have the ability to protect her, then your liking is a burden.

Xiao Muchen dared to admit the fact that he had a girlfriend in front of everyone because he knew that no matter how hard these people dig, they can't find anything.

Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan are not too careful, but Xiao Muchen himself is a very handsome person.

It's because he hasn't shown his face before, you can have doubts, but as long as Xiao Muchen doesn't admit it, then no one will dare to give it a shot.

Xiao Muchen is so cautious in doing things because after playing professionally, he didn't want to develop in this circle for a long time.

If you show your face, there will still be some trouble in the future.

The long-term consideration is particularly long-term, and I have prepared a lot of methods for myself.

It's nothing more than thinking, if they really saw it, they couldn't say it.

What Xiao Muchen's life is like, really only he himself knows.

I don't want to involve so many stories, and I don't want them to explore their own lives.

The reason why privacy is called privacy is because it is not known by others.

And if these were suddenly spied on one day, Xiao Muchen would still be angry.

I like him, just watch him play.

You don't need to pay too much attention to his life, he remembers all the things in the past clearly.

He is very clear about what kind of illegitimate meal and what kind of things he did.

It was okay when I was at the base, but I was afraid that after I retired, there would still be people pestering me endlessly.

Xiao Muchen's idea is always to play the most exciting game when he is here.

When he left the arena in the future, he didn't want to take anything with him.

Life doesn't need so many seasonings. Maybe at the beginning, I didn't think there was anything good, but afterward, I will understand that there is actually a big difference.

Since I didn't think much about it at the beginning, then don't feel that I have lost a lot of things later.

Winning and losing is more like gaining and losing.

Once you get used to it, you can easily accept it.

Previously, Xiao Muchen hadn't talked about these issues with others, especially he hadn't mentioned his decision on what to do after he retired.

But anyone who knows him can know what kind of choice he will have.

Xiao Muchen's identity, after all, is still a student, and a very developed student.

He chose to play professionally because he couldn't let go of his dream, but that didn't mean he had to give up his studies.

Sure enough, in many cases, it is completely impossible to compare between people.

Once it is really compared, there is no better choice to play than to hurt yourself secretly.

Maybe even this is unnecessary, Xiao Muchen is too powerful, enough to cover up everyone's light.

This is when you first started, you haven't thought much about it, but when you reach the end, it's not the same.

So he can prepare all these in advance, and if there are changes, he should make it clear that that is the best way.

(End of this chapter)

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