God please lie down

Chapter 1896 Don't Believe

Chapter 1896 Don't Believe
For Xiao Muchen, there is indeed no need to think so much.

After all, he has known more than others since a long time ago.

Occasionally, I will accompany my teammates to mess around.

As long as they think about it, they can know it. On this point, they don't need to be particularly clear about it.

Anyway, enough time, that's all.

For the rest, even if they don't know anything, Xiao Muchen can't say anything when it comes to him.

Knowing what happened and knowing how to do it have never been the same thing.

He himself doesn't really want to know what the reason is, because for him, no matter what the reason is, most of the time, it won't affect them.

Looking at it this way, I am afraid that there are many ambiguities in what I said before.

You know, in the early days, Xiao Muchen didn't think about these things at all.

For him, it doesn't make any sense.

If he really found it, then even if he thought about it for a long time, but if he didn't make any request, no one would say anything to him.

After all, it's true that he won't listen. No matter how you look at it, there is a request, but when you think about it, the difference is too big.

What remained afterward was only part of it.

Said that he was already unwilling to take care of it, but still couldn't help but want to help.

Xiao Muchen is quite contradictory sometimes.

Even if I really thought about it a lot, but only on this point, I am not afraid of what will happen.

Can't we just make it clear?

Xiao Muchen doesn't like to spend too much time explaining to others, especially when others don't want to believe it, he feels that he has done a very stupid thing.

If you can't look back, you can only accept it abruptly.

It's acceptable, I'm afraid I didn't think about it.

To be precise, in the eyes of others, the part that is thought of is only what they can see.

But if you look around, at the very beginning, you already knew enough soberly. There is no difference in this reason.

No, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

When Xiao Muchen didn't speak, his teammates would go and get together by themselves.

Inside the base, there is always laughter and laughter.

Because they did it well, this is like an environment for playing games.

If there is no communication, then it is true, no matter how much you think about it, but in the end, you are still serious.

He thought about it for a while, but before he studied it, he already knew it. At this moment, even if it was his own words, he couldn't see any light.

So what I have to say is that on many issues, Xiao Muchen didn't think clearly enough.

In fact, he didn't want to be like this, but he really had to wait until the time to speak, instead he didn't catch up with what to say.

Xiao Muchen himself is not a person who is willing to chat, no matter how hard he tries, he can't compare to him, he doesn't like to talk.

Xiao Muchen didn't even know what kind of expression he should use to describe himself.

It's just a few words, but it's better to say it outside, it's cold.

Xiao Muchen felt that they had pasted a tile for himself.

In fact, he is stupid and doesn't know what to say.

The only thing to say to make him take the initiative, maybe love words?
Come at your fingertips, there will be absolutely no hesitation.

Perhaps it was because the relationship with Xi Nuan was too sincere, which made Xiao Muchen a lot warmer.

(End of this chapter)

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