God please lie down

Chapter 2011 Facing the playoffs

Chapter 2011 Facing the playoffs

In order to face the playoffs, the TW team has prepared a lot of content.

There was Xiao Muchen's suppression in the wild before, and then there was the wretched development of various lines.

Xiao Muchen's line, they definitely can't touch it.

So you have to find an advantage from other roads, but it seems that they have given an early warning. After clearing the soldiers, they will retreat to the tower. Even if you stand in front of him with residual blood and temptation, you will not be fooled.

Just hitting like this, and the opponent suddenly walks forward, you have to start to wonder if the jungler on the opposite side has started to squat the most.

After going back and forth like this, almost everyone will be afraid.

There is a saying how to say it, empty city plan.

The TW team is in this hand, and it is handy to play that.

Thanks to Xiao Muchen's open field route, or when he was wandering, he rarely showed his sight.

The team that played with them didn't dare to move when they couldn't get Xiao Muchen's vision.

If you don't move well, you are giving the opponent a chance.

Facing a player like Xiao Muchen, mistakes cannot be tolerated.

If you still dare to play like this when your lineup's fault tolerance rate is not high, then you have to pay a price.

If the person opposite was not Xiao Muchen, they might still have a chance, but facing Xiao Muchen, they really didn't have such confidence.

Xiao Muchen has been known as the most delicate man since his debut.

His positioning is very coquettish, and his skills are basically equivalent to not being able to hit, but when he hits you, he hits you every time.

It makes people feel hopeless, and they get a lot of psychological pressure.

When Xiao Muchen didn't come back, he didn't have such a sense of oppression.

After Xiao Muchen returned to this arena, everything changed.

They are all the same people, and for some reason, Xiao Muchen's style of play is much more fierce than theirs.

This really left them with nothing to do. They seemed to have found a lot of ways to target them, but at the end, they realized that they couldn't be realized at all.

This kind of cognition made them feel very sad. They were obviously professional players, but when they played against each other, the gap was already apparent.

There is nothing to talk about, it will only make my heart hurt more and more.

This is like a fact that everyone knows, but when communicating, I still think about where to start.

After all, they don't know much about Xiao Muchen.

It was a flash in the pan that year, and then left the circle again.

When I came back, I didn't have a close relationship with anyone.

Except for the few members of his team, the others were the ones who couldn't even add a friend.

For Xiao Muchen, he really had no intention of making friends.

Because many times, he knows that he does not belong to this circle. No matter how much he loves him, he still wants to leave in the end.

Maybe his popularity is high, but that won't make a difference either.

He is still the one who only immerses himself in his own world.

Therefore, he felt that there was no need to add friends.

After all, if you don't want to contact me later, it doesn't matter.

What they want to think about in the future will be part of it, but later on, they will realize that there are many differences between them. In their view, even if something really happened, they can only think about it until the end. Only then can it make a difference.

At this moment, he really didn't think about it.

It was Jiu Hen who told him that many players wanted to add him as a friend, and asked him why he didn't agree.

(End of this chapter)

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