God please lie down

Chapter 2030 The Opportunity in Hands

Chapter 2030 The Opportunity in Hands
There must be all the results that should be there.

For the rest, those who haven't been given a chance don't need to think about it.

Xiao Muchen thought, he has been tossing around for such a long time anyway, and his teammates should also seem to understand.

I will understand that at this moment, I have not thought of these at all.

I used to think that when I came here, I would know that it was the best.

When you can spend a lot of time studying these things, you are already thinking very well.

Is it good or not? At this point, you will understand that even if such an opportunity is given to yourself, it may not be the best.

Moreover, before saying those words clearly, everything you think is false.

He used to be a person who cared about those things, and later learned to compromise with reality, and even understood that if this problem comes to him, it will often be better than the perception brought by others.

He doesn't necessarily look like he will understand, but more or less, he will understand more than others.

Even if it's the kind you don't pay much attention to, but speaking of it, there will always be some demands.

Xiao Muchen's first game of the playoffs was a direct copy of last season's autumn finals.

Whether it is from the lineup or from the viewing point of view, it is very exciting.

Almost all the fans were extremely happy. How could this game be so exciting from the very beginning.

You know, if you look back further, last year's finals itself was a deep memory for them, and they always wanted to relive it again.

And now it really is, and it really has come true.

How could you not read it.

Even the officials found out that the tickets for this show were emptied within a few minutes when the ticket sales started.


Officials were surprised.

This is also a regular playoff game. I know you want to watch it, but the speed at which you bought tickets really caught people off guard. What should I say?

It is said that after the TW team won a championship, not only did they have a lot more fans, but even their purchasing power rose in a straight line.

There is really no place to reason about this. You must know that the official did not expect this development trend at the beginning.

The plot is different from what they thought. I know that TW has been in a very strong state this year, but the ability of you fans is definitely outstanding.

There was nothing to think about in itself, but the most frightening thing was that the officials found out later that this kind of thing was really something they couldn't predict.

At first, I thought that I could hide, but at the end, I suddenly realized that this should be the case and nothing else.

It will always bring people a lot of surprises, the kind that they have not prepared for at all.

At the beginning, I always thought that if it was another person, it would not be what it is now, but now, tsk tsk, it is indeed them.

Every word and deed is the kind that people can't understand.

Whatever they think, it's their own if they lose.

There will be a difference, and certainly not only so much.

It's not like they have thought about the rest, so who knows what's left.

Anyway, they are thinking about it, but they haven't figured it out yet.

Maybe it's because they are all here, so many times, you really don't need to make any preparations, not to mention what you have prepared, in their eyes, it is nothing.

If such an opportunity is given to myself, it will make people realize a lot.

No one would believe how much heat this kind of topic could bring them.

(End of this chapter)

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