God please lie down

Chapter 217 Like a Mystery 1, I Can't Understand Him

Chapter 217 Like a Mystery, I Can't Understand Him
He thought of many endings, but he never expected that Xiao Muchen would make a decision for them in such a decisive way.

Sometimes, Jiu Hen can't tell exactly how he feels in his heart.

It's just that since then, his trust in this person has been deeply rooted.

If one day, Jiuhen can communicate with Xiao Muchen, he will know.

Xiao Muchen has never thought so much about how good he is and how he can do it for them.

Even though there may be misunderstandings by others, he has never been a talkative person.

Jiu Hen just thought about it, and unconsciously lay in bed for more than ten minutes.

When he realized what he had done, he suddenly felt that Xiao Muchen was like this, no matter how many people he met, Xiao Muchen would not change his choice.

He is a person who does everything without leaking.

I like to do everything seamlessly without leaving any chances for people.

Even if Jiu Hen thought about it for a long time, he didn't know what he could do to repay his friendship.

Although he never said it, he always kept it in his heart.

When Xiao Muchen woke up, he saw Jiuhen staring at him all the time, that look was very strange.

"Are you stimulated?"

Jiuhen coughed twice, and withdrew his gaze.

"No, I just remembered something from the past."

"I think you really have too many secrets in you, and I can't understand you."

What Jiu Hen said was the truth, every time he talked with Xiao Muchen, looking into his eyes, he always felt that there was no bottom to it.

He even sometimes wondered what he would say next.

"When I should know, I will tell you naturally."

"Don't study me."

"If I could be understood by you, I wouldn't be sitting here."

Xiao Muchen shook his head, Jiuhen was still innocent, compared to him, a person who has seen big wind and waves, he was still too young.

Xiao Muchen was very young, the same age as them, but he was young and rough, and his relationship with his family was not very good.

Therefore, many things are done by himself.

Jiuhen's family has never interfered with his affairs too much, as long as he is doing what he likes.

This has also made him, who has always been so heartless, it's not that he doesn't care.

He is still relatively calm in doing things, but he is not enough to compare with Xiao Muchen, so he is insignificant.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to waste my time on you, I just can't figure it out anyway."

"It's afternoon, pack up and wait for you downstairs."

After Jiu Hen finished speaking, he folded the quilt and went out.

Xiao Muchen rubbed his disheveled head, and went to wash his face.

I was really sleepy, so I fell asleep just now.

When Xiao Muchen came out, he picked up his phone and sent Xi Nuan a message before going downstairs.

Xi Nuan's daily life is very ordinary, chatting with Xiao Muchen, attending class, and then doing some translation papers.

For her, the first step towards realizing a dream is to dare to do it.

Jiuhen was chatting with Yucheng below, and they didn't know what they talked about, the two of them were very happy.

Xiao Muchen walked past them without any expression, as if these two people did not exist.

Luo Yan abruptly saw a deformed love triangle from them.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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