God please lie down

Chapter 219 Cherish each other and hate each other

Chapter 219 Cherish each other and hate each other

Yu Cheng's biggest hobby in this life, besides playing games, may be eating.

In his eyes, he didn't have too many wishes. Being able to play games and eat something is the best result.

As for the success and fame that he thought about before, he didn't take it to heart at all.

"I'm not active in eating, and there are problems with thinking."

Every time Yu Cheng said these words, he didn't have any self-consciousness at all.

He never said what he wanted to say, and he didn't care what happened next.

Especially at the very beginning, although he waited for a long time, it wasn't that there were no results.

"After accepting your theory, I really don't know what you think."

Luo Yan shook his head, and he had to be patient every time he talked to Yu Cheng.

Otherwise, he will definitely be pissed off by him.

This person has such an ability to speak, which makes you have no choice but to change your mentality a lot.

A long time ago, among the methods he could think of, not a few words could explain it clearly.

In Luo Yan's heart, he thought about a lot of results, including the past and the future.

After thinking about it for so long, I didn't know what I should do.

"I don't know what Auntie did at noon, so you can find out if you go and have a look?"

Ling Xia asked on the side, but he really wanted to let him ask.

"You'll know it when you eat it, but ask now, what can you ask?"

Yu Cheng mercilessly gave Ling Xia a supercilious look, then got up and tidied up his clothes.

Xiao Muchen put down his phone and rubbed his temples.

We played well today, of course, most of the reason is that the running-in between them is getting better and better.

According to this state, when it comes to the game, it should be good.

As long as it can be maintained, but in his eyes, Xiao Muchen knows that there are still many things to do.

Maybe they haven't done many things yet, but they still have to do them later.

Even if you know that there may be many things involved in this process, but in the end, even if the scenery remains the same, you will not be completely indifferent.

No one knows what is left of the traces drawn in the dream.

If you want to use the previous method and think about the future, even if you change who you are, you can't think so clearly.

"Let's go, let's go eat."

Luo Yan walked past Xiao Muchen, patted his shoulder by the way, and didn't say anything more.

There are some things that they don't need to say too much, they both understand what's going on.

A smart person like Luo Yan naturally knew that Xiao Muchen had his own reasons when he didn't want to say it.

Right now, it's really not a good opportunity.

Everyone has a transition process, Xiao Muchen has already said it before, he still sticks to his own ideas about everything.

Even if he couldn't see the final direction, he still wouldn't give up his persistence.

Since Jiu Hen chatted with Xiao Muchen at noon, his whole person has become much quieter.

Anyway, I don't know what's going on in his mind, it feels like paste.

Yesterday, Xiao Muchen added Guicheng's friends, and the two of them felt a little sympathetic to each other.

It's like looking forward to getting to know each other sooner, but there are many common topics to talk about.

Occasionally Xiao Muchen is mentioned, but ghost town is rarely mentioned.

The topic was vaguely diverted, making Jiuhen unable to begin even if he wanted to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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