God please lie down

Chapter 223 His Heart Returns, The Fang is Tomorrow

Chapter 223 His Heart Returns, The Fang is Tomorrow

Xiao Muchen himself is a person with a very clear goal. Before he came to the TW team, he said that he was going for the championship.

In addition to the championship, he has already achieved fame in the professional arena.

The reason why I told Jiu Hen these words today was more of a worry.

"What are you going to do?"

After Jiu Hen finished speaking, he regretted a little. He felt like an idiot and mentally retarded. He really didn't open any pot and carried it. What was going on in his head.

Xiao Muchen didn't say much, but took a look at the training schedule that was put aside, and said after a long while, "I want to ask for two days off, and let the second team come over to make up for the two days of training."

At this moment, Xiao Muchen really wanted to see Xi Nuan.

He felt that only when he saw Xi Nuan would his heart not have such a big ups and downs.

When his heart calms down, it may not be invincible.


Jiu Hen wanted to say something else, but Xiao Muchen had already tidied up and went downstairs with a bag on his back.

When the group of people reacted, Xiao Muchen's figure had already left the gate of the base, and it was very difficult to chase after him.

Luo Yan watched Xiao Muchen's figure helplessly, and before he could even react, he had already left.

"What did he do?"

The only remaining person who knew the truth was Jiu Hen, and all four pairs of eyes were looking at him now.

"I don't know. He just said that he has something to do in the past two days, and then he left in a hurry."

"I can swear, I really didn't provoke him."

Hearing this, Luo Yan thought for a while.

In his impression, Xiao Muchen has always been a very measured person, if he was said to be impulsive, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

Unless he has something particularly important and has to do it.

Otherwise, with his character, most of the time is spent studying tactics and styles of play.

Such an abnormal situation as today is really too rare.

Yu Cheng looked at it for a while, didn't scratch his head, and waited for a while before saying, "Compared to him, what you should pay attention to is that the jungler is gone, and you have to work harder."

As soon as the voice fell, he encountered several blank eyes.

It's all nonsense.

It's better not to say it, the words that come out of his mouth are really useless at all.

Yu Cheng knew it himself, and he lay down on the table, "Well, just pretend I didn't say anything."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew it was wrong.

Looking at the eyes of these people, it is simply incomprehensible.

At the very beginning, he could still think quietly about what he should say.

But seeing how lively everyone was talking about, he interrupted.

When they were having a lively discussion, Xiao Muchen had already stopped the car and quickly booked a ticket back to Seoul.

Can't wait, there are no words to describe his current state of mind.

The word Xi Nuan represented everything to him.

In life, since she appeared, it has become completely different.

He thought, maybe his knot could be untied by Xi Nuan.

Therefore, he has been expecting that she will be able to watch the competition.

As long as she is here, it is where his heart belongs.

Xiao Muchen admitted that he was a little selfish, but right now, he can't think of any other way.Holding the idea of ​​trying, so desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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