God please lie down

Chapter 225 Reunion after a long absence, palm temperature

Chapter 225 Reunion after a long absence, palm temperature
Lin Wan didn't know who Xi Nuan learned from, but she heard that the wind is rain.

Think about it as soon as you think about it, and don't care about the consequences at all.

After Xi Nuan nodded, Lin Wan raised her head and looked back and forth between her and Xiao Muchen for a while.

It turned out that her boyfriend didn't seem to want to refuse.

Xiao Muchen remained silent from the beginning to the end, his eyes just followed Xi Nuan.

The warmth like a spring breeze sprinkled on her body.

Xi Nuan looked up at him, and suddenly he didn't care about those things at all.

Xiao Muchen looked at Xi Nuan, as if he knew what she was thinking.

"I agree with all your decisions."

In other words, she can do whatever she wants.

Xiao Muchen has a gentle temperament and rarely gets angry.

For his girlfriend, he is the kind who spoils the sky.

From his eyes, you can't see rejection at all.

Lin Wan felt that if she had such a boyfriend, she would really have no regrets.

But such a handsome boy belongs to someone else.

Lin Wan curled her lips, and didn't argue with Xi Nuan anymore, because even if she continued, it didn't seem to make any sense.

Xiao Muchen was obviously what Xi Nuan said, and he couldn't see any other emotions in his eyes.

While holding Xiao Muchen's hand, Xi Nuan called Nuonuo and the others.

After making sure they were all fine, I called to reserve a location.

Xi Nuan thought the hot pot last time was pretty good, but after thinking about it, he had eaten it not long ago.

Before Xi Nuan could figure out anything, Xiao Muchen called directly to reserve a location.

A seafood shop.

Moreover, it is a very famous restaurant in Seoul, and it costs thousands of dollars for a simple meal.

When Xi Nuan heard the name of the shop, he was in a daze.

Then she gently pulled Xiao Muchen's sleeve, "There's no need to choose such an expensive place."

Xiao Muchen grabbed Xi Nuan's hand, "Your roommate, I don't want to treat you badly."

In the final analysis, it was still because of her that Xiao Muchen was not short of money, and his heart was nothing but hope, and he didn't want to be so perfunctory about anyone related to Xi Nuan.

Money is something that can be earned again after being spent. .

But what he couldn't buy was the care of Xi Nuan.

Xi Nuan seemed to want to say something else, but Xiao Muchen spoke before her, "Just listen to me once, okay?"

Then, Xi Nuan looked into Xiao Muchen's eyes, and couldn't refuse no matter what.

Those eyes are really beautiful, people can't help but sink into them deeply, unable to extricate themselves.

If there are rebuttals, there are those who refuse, and it seems to be the case.

When Lin Wan heard the name of the store, she was also slightly taken aback.

Xi Nuan didn't say much about Xiao Muchen.

In her impression, all she knew was that he was handsome, had a nice voice, and had a pair of particularly beautiful eyes.

Other than that, she doesn't know much.

Especially just now, hearing his call was indeed unexpected.

But Xi Nuan didn't say anything, so he should know.

Xi Nuan sent the address to Nuonuo and the others, and then the three went to the school gate to stop a car.

Light bulb Lin Wan sat in the front, leaving the back seat for the two reunited after a long absence.

Along the way, Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen did not speak, as long as the two of them could feel each other's warmth, they would be able to reach each other's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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