God please lie down

Chapter 227 As long as I have you, I am Shimmer

Chapter 227 As long as I have you, I am Shimmer

When Xi Nuan said this, his tone was proud.

Her boyfriend has always been excellent.

You don't need to be talked about too much, if you put it in the crowd, it will be a dazzling brilliance.

Xi Nuan likes to look at him, even staring at him deeply is satisfying to her.

Lin Wan took a visual inspection and found that Xiao Muchen's height and appearance are the dragon and phoenix among people, so there is no need to have any doubts.

The expression on Xiao Muchen's face didn't change much, but even if he didn't smile, he still looked so gentle.

Born with a kind of extravagance, it makes people daunting, but it doesn't feel unreasonable.

Lin Wan didn't know what kind of entanglement and entanglement there was between Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen, but in her opinion, the match between these two people really couldn't be described in one sentence.

Even after thinking about it for so long, she still couldn't make it very clear.

But that's not important anymore. What's important is that the two of them can be together well, and these roommates will be happy to see it happen.

Xi Nuan knew that Xiao Muchen didn't like to talk, so she was left to chat with her roommates by herself.

Xiao Muchen is not annoyed at all, sometimes he is very calm.

In particular, he won't easily be jealous of her roommate, and he always has absolute sense of when and what to do.

Occasionally when thinking about it, Xi Nuan felt that Xiao Muchen was the kind who was considerate.

Since the two of them got together, every move he made has won the hearts of the people.

When I went to Liangcheng last time, I could tell from the atmosphere in his team that he blended in very well.

Seeing it with his own eyes, Xi Nuan was relieved.

Otherwise, I would worry that he would have many thoughts in a foreign land.

Knowing that he was worrying unfoundedly, he still couldn't help thinking about it.

I still remember that at the very beginning, he seemed unwilling to think about anything, even if he did a lot of things, maybe in the end, there were not so many that could be used.

Xi Nuan really saw Xiao Muchen's ordering method for the first time.

When the food was served, there was another fright.

Finally, Xi Nuan touched his forehead and said nothing more.

Sure enough, it looks like Xiao Muchen's style. On this point, even Xi Nuan, who has a superior family background, dare not play like him.

Lin Wan knew that Xi Nuan had a good family background, but never thought that her boyfriend's background seemed even more unpredictable.

But you don't need to pay much attention, because although Xiao Muchen sat there without saying a word, some people may be born to be kings, and there is always a kind of ability in them that you can't ignore.

A table of seafood can be called a luxurious version of delicacies from mountains and seas.

Probably before coming here, they were all full of curiosity about Xi Nuan's boyfriend, but now, they only admire him.

"You all eat, I don't care about you."

As soon as Xi Nuan's words fell, there was already a grilled crab on the plate.

Xi Nuan turned to look at Xiao Muchen, he was lowering his head, concentrating on cutting the crab's legs with scissors.

All the love is expressed in his actions.

Perhaps at the beginning, Xi Nuan was thinking more than these things in his heart, but later, he saw many things and felt that the meaning of life lies in that when he walks towards him, the whole person's The world is getting better and better.

As long as he is there, it is Shimmer.

(End of this chapter)

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