God please lie down

Chapter 232 Let yourself go and fulfill your dream

Chapter 232 Let yourself go and fulfill your dream

Xi Nuan couldn't help thinking that when Xiao Muchen saw his familiar face still standing on that stage, he left.

At that time, how sad would he be?

Is he really happy when he gave up his dream?

Maybe what grandma said is right, people always have birth, old age, sickness and death, it is a matter of time.

But even at the last moment of her life, all she could think of was to hope that Xiao Muchen's future life would be happier.

It was himself, trapped inside and unable to get out.

What was originally a simple matter became complicated precisely because it happened to him.

Xiao Muchen was in it, so he didn't know.

He blindly felt that he would feel better only if he stayed here.

"So after I struggled, I chose to come back."

"Give yourself another chance, while you are young. If you lose, you lose, and there is nothing to worry about."

"Everything I can think of, I'm working on it."

Xiao Muchen was able to sit here today and chose to say all these words because he had already thought it through.

Even though grandma has left, the dream is still there, and when he holds the championship cup in front of grandma, it can be considered as a fulfillment of this dream.

He always remembered that grandma was wearing presbyopic glasses, asked others to adjust the live broadcast address for him, and watched the live broadcast intently in front of the computer.

She was so old that she didn't understand anything, she only knew her own name at that time.

When Xiao Muchen went back, he would hold his hand and say that he had watched all his games, he played very well.

The only game grandma didn't watch was the final.

Xiao Muchen lost.

Sometimes, he thought it was just a joke.

It's just that he knew it wasn't, the cold corpse was right in front of him, no matter how much he tried to refuse, he couldn't go back to the past.

He even found his original intention more than once, but when he was at a fork in the road, he didn't know how to choose.

Now, he's back, not in peak form yet, but with a little over two weeks to go.

He believes in himself, since he wants to do it, he must do his best.

He is the one standing on the top, even though he hasn't traveled so much, but from the time he planned this, it means that there will be an inevitable quarrel with his parents.

When Xi Nuan met Xiao Muchen, he had his own house near his school.

Judging by the cold breath, one can tell that he lives alone.

Thinking about what happened two years ago hit him hard, he had seen so many landscapes, but in the end, he still chose this way.

Not very wise, but practical.

He doesn't need a wonderful life, he just needs to remember that he didn't do anything wrong on this road.

Many things later, whether right or wrong, will naturally be commented on by others.

Xiao Muchen was silent for a while, and the emotion in his eyes returned to normal.

The coat on his body was forcefully draped over Xi Nuan's body, and at this moment everyone was holding a cup of hot milk tea.

After calming down, Xiao Muchen spoke again, "Let's go, I'll take you back, the weather outside is a bit cold."

"it is good."

Xi Nuan didn't say any comforting words, because he knew that Xiao Muchen didn't need it.

He is such a calm person, he can tell what he wants in an instant.

He doesn't need others to prove anything for him, just being himself is enough.

As for the rest, I will always think of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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