God please lie down

Chapter 240 She is still here, waiting for my return

Chapter 240 She is still here, waiting for my return

Xiao Muchen has his own unique insights into ingredients, and the food he makes always makes people feel delicious, but also makes people feel bright.

Taking advantage of Xiao Muchen's inattention, Xi Nuan ran to snacks and hugged a bunch of things.

When he threw it into the shopping cart, he looked up and asked with a smile, "Do you mind?"

Xiao Muchen shook his head, "Ask knowingly."

"I knew you wouldn't be like me, I ate very little."

"I like peach-flavored yogurt and matcha-flavored cake."

Xiao Muchen touched his forehead, sighed and said, "Are you implying something to me?"

"But I really don't know how to make matcha cakes."

Xi Nuan stuck out her tongue, "I didn't tell you to do it, I just told you."

"But when I don't play games later, I can learn."

"If there are steps, it shouldn't be difficult."

In Xi Nuan's eyes, Xiao Muchen is that kind of talented player, there is nothing he can't learn just by watching it once.

"You said you can do everything, what should I do."

Xi Nuan felt that Xiao Muchen took care of everything he could do and left nothing for her.

After thinking for a while, I didn't know what I should do.

While Xiao Muchen was speaking, he stretched out his hand to pick another fish, "You don't need to do it, I'll do it."

Xiao Muchen's tone didn't fluctuate in any way, as if it was a very normal thing.

Xi Nuan was really speechless. Apart from translating some English books, she probably really didn't know how to do anything.

She didn't know how to face such an excellent Xiao Muchen. In front of him, she didn't have to worry or worry.

"Student Xiao Muchen, why are you so outstanding and unique?"

"Little fool, that's not how idioms are used."

Xiao Muchen glanced at Xi Nuan from the corner of his eye, he was really docile by her.

"Okay, Xueba, you win."

"I'll go get some snacks, you pick them."

Then Xi Nuan happily went to pick out her favorite yogurt and snacks again, Xiao Muchen stood where he was and shook his head, without saying anything.

I just feel that this feeling is very good, as if the two of them are living at home together.

His sudden thought about himself was a bit strange, but it was only for a moment, and as smart as him, he immediately understood that it was only because he met the right person that there was a possibility that he had never thought of before.

Between them, it has never been clear with a few simple words.

It's hard for Xiao Muchen to explain the feeling in his heart, but the only thing he understands is that no matter what he thinks, when he meets Xi Nuan, he meets Cheng Sheng.

It doesn't matter if you go crazy just for yourself once in your life.

Xiao Muchen chose to live for himself because he hoped that his life would no longer be so restrained. Apart from his dream, there was another person who was always waiting for him.

The rest of his life is still very long. If it is just like this and he gives up easily, then his previous efforts are nothing.

After Xiao Muchen finished taking some of the ingredients he needed, he stood on the spot and waited for Xi to warm up.

Occasionally, I took out my phone and looked at WeChat, and found that since he left, the chats in the team group were full of enthusiasm, and it didn't look like a training match.

So he had nothing to do, he typed a few words by the way, "Don't you all play training games?"

The group was quiet for a few minutes, and finally Yu Cheng popped up and typed a line, "While you're not here, relax for a few days, the boss is away on a business trip, so don't tell him."

(End of this chapter)

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