God please lie down

Chapter 247 She Really Was, It Must Be Him

Chapter 247 She Really Was, It Must Be Him

Whether it's two years of silence, reappearing on the field, or to prove yourself and pick up the dream again.

For Xiao Muchen, it was a hurdle that he needed to overcome.

Xi Nuan believes that he can be himself, that is an inexplicable trust.

From the time I knew him, I knew that his unruly figure should be soaring between the sky and the earth, without any constraints.

He was willing to stay for herself, and Xi Nuan felt that it was her luck.

Xi Nuan spoke boldly, but Xiao Muchen, who was caught off guard, reached out and rubbed her face.

"Why do I feel that you are more worried than I am?"

"I was a little unconfident at first, but now, I feel that you need my comfort."

"If you have seen a lot of strong winds and waves, you won't be stumbled by such a little difficulty."

Probably seeing what Xi Nuan was thinking, Xiao Muchen finally only let out a long sigh, "I won't let myself regret it."

It seemed to be for Xi Nuan, but also for himself.

In the quiet night, Xiao Muchen hugged her quietly, feeling the temperature of her body, as if time stood still, the world was among all things, and there were only the two of them left.

What kind of illusion it was, Xiao Muchen couldn't tell, but for him, the best way is to be with her like now, every day is extremely beautiful.

In fact, he is more reluctant to leave than Xi Nuan. He should be a person who does great things, but he is worried about his children every day. If others find out, they may not know what to say about him.

But since Xiao Muchen didn't care about it from the beginning, now he won't make any excuses for himself.

If you like it, you like it, what does it matter.

The person standing next to him has never been a vase, and he knows this very well in his heart.

Xiao Muchen stretched out his hand to caress Xi Nuan's eyebrows, and felt that it was so real.

She is right in front of her, within reach.

Later, Xi Nuan and Xiao Muchen got sleepy after arguing for a while, and turned around and entered the guest room with the doll on the sofa.

Xiao Muchen didn't know what to do while sitting in front of the computer, and fell asleep quite late.

In the middle of the night, when Xi Nuan woke up and was tiptoeing in the living room looking for water to drink, he was caught by him.

She just grinned and took a bottle for Xiao Muchen.

After looking at the messy pile of codes on his screen, he felt drowsy again after a few minutes.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and got back under the bed. When Xiao Muchen finished all this, the hour hand pointed firmly at twelve o'clock.

He also tidied up and went to sleep. Before going to sleep, he looked at Xi Nuan's room, and a soft light appeared in his eyes.

Only when looking at that person, would there be such rare tenderness on Xiao Muchen's body.

Who would have expected that his icy armor would have turned into tenderness for one person a long time ago.

The next morning, Xi Nuan was awakened by the tangy aroma.

He has already experienced Xiao Muchen's cooking skills, but he really tried it repeatedly.

Xi Nuan is the one who has long been impressed by Xiao Muchen's skill. He is standing in the kitchen wearing an apron, which is indeed unimaginable.

But the things he makes, even if you haven't seen them, you know they are delicious.

Xi Nuan couldn't help thinking that Xiao Muchen had spoiled her appetite, and from now on, it was really up to him.

 The hero is gone, the game is about to start~
(End of this chapter)

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