God please lie down

Chapter 257 Mountains and Rivers, I Want to Send You

Chapter 257 Thousands of mountains and rivers, I want to send you off
For the first time, Xiao Muchen felt that his life was very lucky, and all he wanted was effortless.

He never thought that things would be so simple.

Xiao Muchen planned a lot of things, from the beginning to the end, he was never used to do anything.

Feeling inadvertently, all the problems were solved.

Xi Nuan followed him like a lucky star.

Sometimes it feels like a bud buried deep in his heart. He never deliberately did something, but it took root.

"Okay, tell me when you come. I remember that Brother Cheng's house happened to be vacant. I know the basics, so I feel more at ease."

Xi Nuan didn't refuse, she knew what Xiao Muchen was thinking, sometimes giving in to each other was the best solution.

Sometimes what Xiao Muchen said was quite reasonable.

For Xi Nuan, Liangcheng is not familiar with the place.

Cheng Yuan is different, he is not very familiar with them, but the people under his hands are familiar with each other, and each of them has long been mixed into a human being, and left and right are just a matter of words.

Cheng Yuan's impression of Xi Nuan should be in Xiao Muchen's circle of friends.

I haven't met him in person, but Xiao Muchen likes it very much.

As long as Xiao Muchen likes it, it's over. Cheng Yuan is not the kind of person who beats mandarin ducks, not to mention that he loves this younger brother to the core.

According to Cheng Yuan's words, he has lived for more than 20 years, and the only person he can trust is Xiao Muchen.

If anyone offends Xiao Muchen, it is tantamount to making him an enemy.

Cheng Yuan's name may not matter in the e-sports circle, and it won't make waves.

But if you look at the business world, even Xie Yuan should be regarded with high regard.

When he was low-key, he basically didn't appear in front of people very much. He refused interviews from various financial weekly magazines, and he didn't even have a photo.

But those who have violated his taboo know that Cheng Yuan will either not move, or will never give others a chance.

In short, it is a difficult character to deal with.

But for the time being, not many people know about the relationship between Cheng Yuan and Xiao Muchen, otherwise, it would be another one stone stirring up thousands of waves.

Xiao Muchen's layers of identities are really confusing.

Looking at Xiao Muchen, Xi Nuan always felt that he had a kind of composure and composure that could control everything in his hands.

There was no panic on his face.

If Xiao Muchen hadn't said that sentence himself, Xi Nuan would not have believed that he would have something to be afraid of.

But if you think about it carefully, it is true.

The departure of a loved one will make him even more flustered.

This is human nature, even Xiao Muchen, it is impossible to be as calm as water.

After Xiao Muchen talked so much with Xi Nuan, she was always thinking about how much courage he must have put in to walk out of the shadows.

How difficult it was for him to get to this point.

Xi Nuan thought to herself, she really wanted to be by his side every minute and every second.

At least he can be within her line of sight, so that she can see whether he is happy or not.

Until now, although Xi Nuan didn't understand Xiao Muchen's emotions very clearly, at least she could not understand everything.

"Don't think about it, tell me when you're on vacation, and I'll get the key."

"Eat quickly, I will take you to school later."

Xi Nuan put down his chopsticks and shook his head, "I can go back by myself, I want to go to the airport with you."

 Third watch, please give me a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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