God please lie down

Chapter 265 Only for one person, guarding himself alone

Chapter 265 Only for one person, alone
The reason why Xi Nuan didn't mention anything about the situation in her home was never because she couldn't say it, but because she didn't know how to explain it at all.

She has a thin face, and some words are difficult to say.

Because in their house, since she was sensible, she never sat down and had a good talk.

Xi Nuan would think that her parents wanted to live a two-person world, and that she was a light bulb, so they never had anything to do with her.

But this idea just flashed through her mind and didn't stay for long.

The famous hotpot restaurant next to the school must have been half a month ago since they last came here.

I didn't expect the proprietress to know them. If she knew them, it would be better to say that she was deeply impressed by Xiao Muchen.

This was an old acquaintance, but Xi Nuan turned out to be his girlfriend.

Such an excellent boy, there are many people who covet him, but this time he can be regarded as seeing his girlfriend, who almost came up to ask for an autograph like that.

Speaking of the situation at that time, Xi Nuan was still shocked.

Later, she asked Xiao Muchen again, and suddenly felt that this world was really small.

Xiao Muchen's circle is not big, but he knows a lot of people.

Both left and right are in the same city, so he can really take care of everything.

The proprietress herself is a very enthusiastic person. Seeing these little girls, she thought they were all nice, so she just waved her hand and asked someone to take them to the private room.

To know this place, it is difficult to find a location, let alone a private room.

However, the proprietress blinked her eyes with a mischievous look on her face, so Xi Nuan didn't ask any more questions.

They are people who do business, naturally they have a lot of ways.

Looking at the bustling crowd outside, Xi Nuan still decided not to refuse the offer.

When ordering food in the private room, Xi Nuan also sent Xiao Muchen a WeChat message, expressly prohibiting him from paying in advance.

The other side quickly returned a helpless expression, followed by another sentence, if you don't say it, how would I know that you went to eat.

Xi Nuan quickly realized that Xiao Muchen still had time to joke. It seems that his days back to the base were not as difficult as he imagined.

"You know the proprietress, who knows if she will tell."

Xi Nuan thought so, and sent a WeChat directly.

After waiting for a few minutes, Xiao Muchen's message came.

"She's not the type to meddle in other people's affairs. She's busy."

"Do you think she's pretty?"

Finally, Xiao Muchen asked such a question.

Holding the phone, Xi Nuan didn't even think about it, and replied directly with two words: Looks good.

Not perfunctory, but fact.

The proprietress of the hot pot restaurant is very good-looking, so she also attracts many customers.

However, it was rumored that she was still single, and no matter who approached him, they seemed to be rejected.

As for the reasons for this, no one knows.

Xiao Muchen quickly replied with another message, he said that the proprietress already has someone she likes.

The reason why he is still single now is nothing more than waiting for that person.

No one knows how long it will take to wait for someone, but she has never given up.

She smiles every day, but no one ever knows what happened to her.

Including Xiao Muchen, who had made friends with her, was just what I heard between the lines.

Xiao Muchen seldom talked about other people's affairs lightly, since he chose to speak out, there must be his reasons.

But after these words passed, Xi Nuan admired the proprietress even more.

Although it is not clear what the story happened to her, but at least, it will not be simple.

(End of this chapter)

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