God please lie down

Chapter 271 The key to the problem lies here

Chapter 271 The key to the problem lies here

Xiao Muchen has always been reticent, and most of the time he doesn't express his opinions.

Luo Yan has already fully understood his character, so he wouldn't say much under normal circumstances.

He would only ask a few questions when he really didn't understand, and Xiao Muchen would explain patiently.

He is a very enthusiastic person, and his voice is very good. When he speaks, it is like a clear spring flowing.

It really makes people have no choice but to be distracted.

Luo Yan thinks that some people are born with pride, while people like Xiao Muchen who have everything are not proud at all.

He is so humble when dealing with people.

Such a person, not to mention Xie Yuan who has been waiting for two years, whoever it is, probably wants to recruit him to his team.

Today's e-sports is no longer as simple as it used to be.

During the break, they all signed up with the live broadcast platform, and usually do some advertisements.

Those with high popularity are naturally more popular, and Xiao Muchen himself has a lot of true fans, coupled with his nice voice and good looks that have never been shown before, that is the darling of all major live broadcast platforms.

Before Xie Yuan came to the door, there was already a platform to dig.

What was given was indeed a sky-high price.

Maybe they have played the game for several years, but it is not as good as the platform's one-year signing fee.

Xiao Muchen refused so openly, he was not moved at all.

Later Luo Yan understood that Xiao Muchen was not short of that money at all.

His family background predestined that his life should not be mediocre.

Vigorous and vigorous, only these four words can describe it.

Even though time has polished his appearance when we first met, it still left him with many good memories.

Luo Yan and Xiao Muchen were the only two people left in the training room. They didn't talk too much, and Xiao Muchen was still so simple with a few words.

Luo Yan was not so surprised because he was used to it.

Xiao Muchen's style of doing things has always been simple and does not leave much room for others.

Luo Yan and Xiao Muchen cooperated a few times, but the problem still existed, but it was better than in the training match.

Xiao Muchen rubbed his temples, "Let's stop here, we'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

Luo Yan nodded, "You go to eat and rest early, we can discuss anything tomorrow."

The two of them lined up for several rounds, and they were a little tired.

Especially Xiao Muchen had been on the plane for more than an hour, no matter how much energy he had, he couldn't use it up.

Xiao Muchen tidied up, and went upstairs with his mobile phone.

He didn't chat with Xi Nuan, he just sat on the bed and thought about where the problem happened.

If it is placed on the field, it will be fatal.

In terms of coordination, although it can't reach the extreme.

But after all, they are all professional players, and their consciousness and hand speed are much better than ordinary people. There is no reason for this to happen.

What Xiao Muchen couldn't figure out was that the cooperation between the two of them didn't have such a big problem before. On the one hand, it was because the auxiliary hero Luo Yan chose had a relatively high error tolerance rate, and on the other hand, he had a good grasp of the rhythm.

But this time, it wasn't that Luo Yan didn't know enough about Da Qiao's heroes, but that suddenly he would feel unfamiliar with such a combination.

If it is explained in this way, it seems much more reasonable.

Xiao Muchen is not a mindless person, but on this matter, he might be a little anxious, so he thought it through for a while.

 Third watch, tomorrow is Christmas Eve, you have to remember to eat apples~
(End of this chapter)

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