God please lie down

Chapter 273 It's this time, and it's time to return to that time

Chapter 273 It's One Time, Another Time

As for how Jiu Hen cultivated such a body of steel and iron, it was naturally because he was in the same team as him several years ago.

I have fully understood that Xiao Muchen's nature is not bad. When it doesn't touch his bottom line, he can play tricks appropriately, and he won't really care about you.

Jiuhen grasped this point, so he was able to unscrupulously create a sense of presence.

Otherwise, in front of Xiao Muchen, he was probably the one who had been pulled into the blacklist long ago.

One thing I have to say is that Xiao Muchen, who had eaten, seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

Of course, it may also be the psychological effect of Jiu Hen, it doesn't matter.

The point is, the sound of the game in his computer came back to mind.

As long as people are not in a daze, there will be no problems.

Jiu Hen couldn't understand Xiao Muchen's state very well. Except when he was in a daze, he was usually doing serious things.

Review the game and extract useful information from it.

His seriousness seems to be almost comparable to that of the previous team's coach.

Jiu Hen doesn't have as much energy as him, he is a single dog who doesn't even have a girlfriend.

The great youth gave him the glory of the king he loves the most.

Every day when I wake up to the glory of the king, sometimes there will be a picture of him being chased by people all over the map in his dream.

This scene is really scary, so he wakes up every time.

I thought about it in a cold sweat, I didn't seem to offend anyone during the day, how could I dream of such a terrible thing.

In the blink of an eye, you can see that there is still light on Xiao Muchen's bed, and he is still holding the computer and looking at some materials for some unknown reason.

From that time on, Jiu Hen knew that Xiao Muchen's work and rest schedule had not changed at all.

Although he remembered everything he said, it was obvious that he hadn't done it.

So now, Jiuhen is the only one who can guess what Xiao Muchen is thinking.

Xiao Muchen's state does not seem to have any problems, and it will not affect the subsequent games.

The only thing is that he may still not find any solution to the situation that happened at night.

The more difficult thing right now is the cooperation between Nosuke.

He doesn't have much ability as a mid laner, and the previous linkage is not bad.

The problem here is not so big for him. He can play all the coordination well, from the timing of entering the field to supporting, he can't guarantee that it is impeccable, but there is absolutely no major problem.

"I think it's not the problem of the two of you."

"The cooperation between Da Qiao and Gongsunli is definitely a matter of practice, and it also depends on the opponent's lineup."

"As a support, Da Qiao is a good choice, but his ability to protect people is not very strong."

"The position and time of the second skill, if you don't have such a powerful brain as you, if you have to think about this, it will be difficult to achieve the results we want."

"Of course what I said is just a suggestion, and it depends on your own thinking."

After weighing for a while, Jiu Hen only said these two sentences.

As a hero, Da Qiao, he also played as a mid laner, and it was still a shooter system at that time.

There are many output positions, but he is not bad as a mid laner.

It's just that the shooter is now chosen to play in the jungle. In that case, the output of the mid laner position will naturally have greater pressure.

 It's five o'clock, blah blah~
(End of this chapter)

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