God please lie down

Chapter 282 Long time no see, it's not good to be empty-handed

Chapter 282 Long time no see, it's not good to be empty-handed

Xi Nuan thought for a long time, and finally decided to dial the familiar phone number.After being busy for a while, he was suddenly picked up by someone.

To be honest, I was a little nervous inside.

A second later, a familiar voice came from over there.


It's a questioning tone, and it seems to be smiling.

Xi Nuan was silent for a while before speaking, "Cousin."

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, why did you just remember to call me today?"

"Are you blaming me for leaving without saying goodbye?"

Xi Feng's words still had an ending sound, and he raised his voice slightly. His voice was very nice, different from Xiao Muchen's, it was the kind with temptation.

"No, cousin, are you back now?"

Xi Nuan hesitated for a while, but still asked.

"I'm back. I'm in China now. I remember you went to college, right? You're in Seoul."

"Are you missing your cousin, or are you looking for me?"

"How do I remember that you have never been so gentle when talking to me before, you know how to hate me, and only when you ask me for business, you will have the attitude of a well-behaved cousin."

Xi Feng remembered very clearly what happened before.

He knows Xi Nuan very well, after all, he always played together back then.

"I want to trouble my cousin with something, but I don't know if it's convenient for you."

Xi Nuan sighed, still not knowing what to say.

It seemed that Xi Feng was a little noisy, so he said in a hurry, "Call me your school's address in a text message. I will come to you later. There is still a meeting to be held, so I hang up first."

Then the other side really hung up the phone. Xi Nuan knew that he was busy, but he didn't know what he was busy with.

But Xi Nuan felt that her cousin's words were enough.

After all, he is not what he used to be now, his identity is there, and many things cannot be said directly.

But the only advantage of having her cousin is that he will definitely do what he promised.

So Xi Nuan is not worried at all, she will remember everything her cousin said.

Even if Xi Nuan was relieved, she changed several sets of clothes back and forth in the dormitory, but she didn't know which one looked better.

Lin Wan stared at her for a long time, "You're going on a date, why not? She just left, what are you fussing about?"

"My cousin is coming to see me, which one do you think I look better in?"

Xi Nuan took the clothes and showed them to Lin Wan. After half an hour of picking out the clothes, the two of them finally matched a suit that Xi Nuan was satisfied with.

The weather is relatively cold, and Xi Nuan is wearing a bare-legged artifact underneath.

With her figure, she looks good in anything. Lin Wan really doesn't know what she's trying to do.

The news from Xi Feng came back half an hour later, saying that he would arrive at the gate of Seoul University in two hours.

During this time, Xi Nuan picked out clothes, and then solemnly put on makeup.

Lin Wan looked at her with surprise, and finally decided to ignore her.

Her cousin is fine.

Xi Nuan arrived at the school gate 10 minutes early, and after waiting for a while, he saw a familiar figure slowly walking towards him.

Xi Feng wore an off-white windbreaker and cut a very neat crew cut.

It seems that he is quite an elite in the industry. At least, he is more mature than in previous years.

Xi Feng had a bag in his hand, and when he saw Xi Nuan, he opened his mouth first, "It was a bit sudden when you called me, so I bought some gifts for you temporarily."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, so I can't come here empty-handed."

Xi Nuan took the small bag, which contained a scarf.

 This was originally yesterday's second update, but because I had something to do, it was delayed until now, and I wanted to ask, who was the first to check in! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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