God please lie down

Chapter 287 Willing to go through fire and water for you

Chapter 287 Willing to go through fire and water for you

Xi Feng is a good role model for Xi Nuan, who wanders alone and doesn't care what the outside world thinks.

It's fine to let the family say anything, anyway, he just insists on doing his own thing.

Xi Feng is an unusual person by nature, rebellious since childhood, only Xi Nuan can talk to him a few words.

It is probably a strange thing for two people to play together in the eyes of parents.

But the two of them can always have a lot of common topics together, talking about things that others don't understand.

After Xi Feng sent Xi Nuan back to school, he hailed a taxi and rushed to the airport.

Xi Nuan didn't say anything, and didn't stop him.

Stay on the line in everything, see you in the future.

When Xi Nuan returned to the dormitory, Lin Wan was holding her high math book there, shaking her head, not knowing what she was memorizing.

Seeing Xi Nuan come back, he glanced over, "I thought you were out on a date, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

"It's a cousin I haven't seen for a long time. I just want to find him for something. Otherwise, I wouldn't be dressed up to attend."

After Xi Nuan came back, she started to take off her make-up. She always felt that she hadn't seen Xi Feng for a long time, and it was not good to meet him casually.

That's why she wore the clothes that she hadn't touched for a long time, which almost weighed down the bottom of the suitcase.

"I don't even know, you have a cousin."

"Then, the yogurt Nuonuo bought for you in the supermarket just now is on your table."

Xi Nuan saw it, and wondered where it came from, it was her favorite brand.

Xi Nuan has a problem, she doesn't care about money or anything, but she has the same obsession with life as Xiao Muchen.

Be refined.

Eat your favorite brands and buy your favorite clothes.

Xi Nuan is very similar to Xiao Muchen in this point, life must be lived according to one's own will.

Never will.

She is such a person, and the pride in her bones will not be changed no matter what.

From birth to tutoring, all are high-end education.

Even if her parents are often away, she will still hire the best teacher and arrange every day clearly.

Xi Nuan hated living like that, but when she was young, she couldn't resist and endured it forcefully.

To be honest, she doesn't like others to dictate her life, and she doesn't like those people to do things she doesn't want to do with the banner of being good for her.

Finally went to university and escaped from prison, Xi Nuan would never waste such an opportunity.

Xi Feng disagreed, so she found another way. She is not afraid of hardship, but she is afraid that it will not be realized.

Xi Nuan's gaze returned to the yogurt on the table, feeling warm in his heart.

No matter when, they all remember what they like.

Every time I go out, I remember to buy for her.

The touch comes from life, the most inconspicuous details.

Xi Nuan really likes this kind of warmth, the feeling of home, it is no longer the empty room, full of cold atmosphere everywhere.

I would rather stay in the dormitory than go back and face it.

Xi Nuan felt that she was escaping, but if this could make her happier, she would rather live in fantasy all her life.

She was just the kind of person who liked to hide in her shell.

For a while, he didn't want to come out.

Unless someone led her to face the light, she would definitely not be able to take this step by herself.

So when she met Xiao Muchen, she knew that when she saw those eyes, she seemed to see the sun.

For this person, even if it is going through fire and water, he will not hesitate to do so.

Of course it's not that serious, and I'm still willing to take responsibility for every decision she makes.

She has never been willing to think about so many stories, and she has never seriously cared about what she wants to do.

Just at this moment, I thought of that person and those eyes.

 Before opening a new book, I will selectively finish the original book. That book is poorly written. I don’t recommend you to read it. Then you can wait for the new book, which will probably be released in the next year~
(End of this chapter)

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