Chapter 291

Xiao Muchen, a clear stream in the professional circle of Glory of Kings.

His world is always so clean.

The reason why Qiran was afraid of Xiao Muchen was because his eyes were too clear.

He would feel shocked when he saw it, and he would always feel that Xiao Muchen's body, even if he didn't say anything, had a bit of integrity.

And that feeling was something he had never experienced before.

Especially after that incident, he would always be vaguely worried, afraid that Xiao Muchen would tell that incident.

Because once exposed, relying on Xiao Muchen's prestige and fame in the circle, there must be many people who choose to believe him.

At that time, public opinion will be able to overwhelm Qiran.

It was during this struggle that he played professionally for two years.

Although Xiao Muchen promised him that he would not speak out at the time, Qiran could trust Xiao Muchen's character.

But after all, it is a pimple in my heart, and I will always feel uncomfortable if I don't solve it.

In fact, Qiran doesn't need to worry about Xiao Muchen, he has never been the one who likes to talk around.

Especially other people's affairs, he didn't want to care about them at all, and he didn't intend to care about Qiran's affairs at that time.

What's more, he didn't succeed.

Xiao Muchen didn't help Qiran, so his idea would naturally be impossible to realize.

He doesn't want to know what kind of conspiracy is involved in it, but there are always many things that cannot be ignored.

He has always been serious about the game.

What's more, it was his dream.

For some reason, Xiao Muchen thought of the past, he shook his head, thinking that he might be in a daze.

When I changed to before, no matter how I thought about it, it seemed wrong.

People who have had little contact with each other still don't have much impression when I think about it now.

The last time Qiran came to the training match, Xiao Muchen noticed something, but he didn't have the nerve to say it directly.

He is not a person looking for trouble, and he feels that Qiran should be given a chance.

Everyone will make mistakes, but if it ruins his life because of this, he still can't bear it.

Even if the friendship is not deep, I still want to show him some kindness.

Xiao Muchen was born with a kind nature and would not push people into a corner.

As for what Qiran thinks in his heart, that is his business.

There were some scenes that Xiao Muchen didn't want to see, so he didn't speak clearly.

After Jiuhen washed up, when he came back to pick up his things, he saw Xiao Muchen standing there.

"I said the training match has been postponed, so you can't stay still. Luo Luo asked you to go down to eat. Auntie saw that you are handsome, so she made something you like."

"Even if you don't give me face, you have to give auntie face."

Jiu Hen felt that if Xiao Muchen continued to be in a daze, he might stop eating.

It's not that he hasn't done such a thing, Jiuhen still feels that there are too many things hidden in his heart, and he doesn't know how to persuade him.

Xiao Muchen has a lot of problems, the kind that won't get rid of after repeated teaching.

But he also makes people feel that it is particularly applicable, no matter what other things are, there will always be a lot of good feelings for him.

Xiao Muchen got up, threw the phone on the bed, and went to wash up.

After the phone call with Xi Nuan, he had already had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but it was probably not very clear for a while.

Asked by Jiu Hen, on the contrary, all the shadowy images in his head disappeared.

 There is something, don't wait for the second update today, I still love you, I will see if I can add an update on New Year's Day~
(End of this chapter)

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