God please lie down

Chapter 296 Everyone gathers firewood and works together

Chapter 296 Everyone gathers firewood and works together

Before Jiu Hen thought about joining the same team again, they hadn't seen each other for almost two years.

The usual contact is all through WeChat, but Xiao Muchen is not very good at chatting by nature, and he can often chat to death without a few words.

So when Jiuhen had nothing to do, he basically didn't dare to look for this person.

After all, Xiao Muchen is old and serious, so that's not just talking.

It was not earth-shattering when he left, but it was like a heavy thunderbolt when he came back.

How Xie Yuan chatted with Xiao Muchen, Jiuhen didn't know the inside story, but the result was what he wanted to see the most.

In any case, if Xiao Muchen could come out, that would be the best result.

Other than that, he didn't want to worry about anything else.

By the time several people watched the game video, it was already night, and their stomachs were rumbling with hunger.

"I'm starving to death. I'm looking for something to eat. I ordered takeaway today. What did you eat?"

Xiao Muchen turned back from the front of the screen, "How about Haidilao, I'll order it."

Ling Xia had a question on his forehead, "????"

Just now he made an order for takeaway, but in an instant, the initiative was changed to someone else.

Xiao Muchen was a man of action, and after he finished speaking, he directly dialed a phone number and said something.

Yu Cheng didn't feel what Xiao Muchen said at all, as he was the closest, it seemed that he only reported his address.

So the whole room was stunned again, and finally they collectively succumbed to the temptation of money.

They have long been familiar with Xiao Muchen's ability, but can they be so horrified every time.

Compared with such a comparison, I was hit by reality again.

Luo Yan silently moved his gaze back, tidied up his clothes, his expression didn't change in any way.

Not arguing with Xiao Muchen is the best evaluation of him.

They were all used to Xiao Muchen's way of doing things, and they didn't mind at all that he took a sky-high signing fee.

People who regard money as nothing are really outstanding.

At least he has won the favor of all of them. Although Luo Yan is not a perfunctory person, the most surprising thing for him is that Xiao Muchen is not difficult to approach at all.

Really, unexpectedly.

They didn't wait long at all. In a place like Liangcheng, night is usually the most congested time, but such a fast speed really surprised them.

After Xiao Muchen's address came over, a waiter from Haidilao Hot Pot Restaurant drove over a bunch of ingredients directly.

When a few people went down to get things, they saw Xiao Muchen having a very warm chat with that person.

There was really a lot of things to send, Luo Yan went to the kitchen to find a pot, and started to boil water.

When Xiao Muchen turned around, he saw several pairs of eyes looking at him.

"Don't look at me, Brother Cheng's shop, I know everyone."

"It's not very far from here, the ingredients are all fresh, let's set them up."

Xiao Muchen has already started to do it, it is really full and more than six people.

Ling Xia is the kind whose eyes glisten when he sees something to eat, and those who are particularly hardworking will start to make it.

But having said that, the ingredients delivered have already been processed, there is no need to wash, let alone cut, as long as they are placed on the table.

For them, this saves a lot of trouble.

After the water boiled, they began to put things in it.

Sure enough, there is a backstage, and even things are VIPs in the VIP.

Yu Cheng made a rough estimate, if he ate this meal in a serious manner, he would probably earn thousands of dollars, a luxury, a luxury indeed.

 Today is the third update, there should be another chapter later~
(End of this chapter)

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