God please lie down

Chapter 531 Exploring life, but that's all

Chapter 531 Exploring life, but that's all

After Xi Nuan and Gu Yao went on a business trip together last time, this time it was the two of them again.

"Sister Yao, why do I feel that you are using power for personal gain? Why is it such a coincidence that we are together again?"

Even Xi Nuan felt it was very strange, if this incident happened to someone else, she might still believe it.

But for her, that was a bit strange.

The left and the right are both going to do things, why it's completely different to stay here when they come to her.

"you caught me?"

Gu Yao was frank and didn't have any intentions to hide, it was just like that, and she didn't think there was anything.

She just prefers to like, and likes to be with her when she goes out, so what does that matter.

If she is not in her position, she does not plan for her own affairs. Anyway, she has the final say, so it's up to her.

Otherwise, she doesn't have much to do.

Even if there is no Xi Nuan, there will be others, so it is better to make yourself happy than this.

Gu Yao is so straightforward in doing things, what she likes and what she hates, sometimes it will be obvious, but she is a person who can't offend anyone.

Although Xi Nuan felt that she was sometimes contradictory, she didn't think it had anything to do with it.

She has never cared so much about people with true temperament.

Especially at that time, when she first met Gu Yao, there were still thousands of scenery in her eyes, and she could clearly see what she liked and what she didn't like.

At that time, Xi Nuan felt that Gu Yao was a person with a story.

But she never talked about her past, as if she couldn't be mentioned, no matter what, in the end, what she said must be embellished.

No matter what, there are not many opportunities left for her.

He thought he already understood it, but it was only at the end that he realized that even at the end, they didn't understand anything, but at least he could remember this person and knew that many futures were related to him.

At that moment, I felt that deep down in my heart, what I had been thinking all along was nothing more than this, and there was no need for any other reasons.

Later, after so many things happened, Xi Nuan realized a different Gu Yao.

I still feel that she is like a child, full of curiosity about many new things.

When I was in the company, I had to hide my thoughts and not be noticed by others.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of gossip and gossip. In this world, gossip is the scariest thing.

She herself didn't think so seriously, so she could only think of ways to avoid it.

Xi Nuan has seen Gu Yao's serious face when she talks about her thoughts, and she has also seen her analyze many things very thoroughly.

She also knew that they all had their own ideas on this matter, that's all.

Xi Nuan didn't deliberately explore other people's lives, but to her, it seemed that many things were over before she could explain them clearly.

This time, she didn't think much about it herself, she just felt that she didn't understand anything at the beginning, but now she understood a lot.

When facing the past, she can have her own thoughts, but when she looks at Gu Yao now, she still feels like she has returned to the past.

Although she didn't think about herself, or even what's next, it didn't mean she would let everything go on like this.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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