God please lie down

Chapter 590 From beginning to end, I just miss her

Chapter 590 From beginning to end, I just miss her
They all understood that during this period of time, Xiao Muchen thought about many things, related to the past, and related to the future.

But he just didn't think about himself, and he didn't know what the road ahead would look like.

I simply feel that, for him, these past events have already been settled before he even opened his mouth, but when he really wants to face them, he doesn't think so much at all.

Everyone's thoughts are different, no matter what, since he thought about it, he didn't intend to say so.

Moreover, his life has already become completely different.He is no longer the person who was afraid of everything at the beginning. Now he can know what should be done and what should not be done.

Occasionally, he can not think about it, but time will prove everything.

During that time, they never thought about it, so forget it.

Xiao Muchen's life is up to him to decide. Other people's words are basically useless to him.

The so-called waiting means that the ending will not be known until the end.

At this moment, he didn't think about what kind of reaction or attitude he should have in such a long time.

Playing well in his own training games, and even thinking about everything so clearly, is what he should do.

Even though time gave him so many misses, it didn't make him give up his dream.

It is said that there are many things, and it is only at the end that they will know what kind of thoughts are hidden between each other.

But now, he would rather believe that before he did anything, he already knew what his end would be.

Xi Nuan is someone he will love for the rest of his life, no matter what happens, the two of them will face it together.

Maybe this is the power of love, you never need to say what happened during this period of time.

It's just that for me, Xi Nuan is the only person I want from the beginning to the end.

Xiao Muchen's mind is so simple, he doesn't need to think too much, let alone understand too much.

After this period of time, he could feel that many things were preordained inadvertently long ago.

The two of them were destined to meet each other and have such an entanglement. He never thought about what he should do when he really waited for that time. No matter how much time he had, it would be the same as nothing for him. An happened.

At that time, he will see clearly that what he put down is only his own obsession, and the rest is unfinished.

In such a dream, he was never alone.

When we met, I realized that I really liked it. He had never thought about what it was like to love someone deeply, but now he understands, so he will cherish it.

He hopes to use this time to tell Xi Nuan that he has never given up on this relationship, and he also hopes that they can understand that at the end of this road, the two of them will still be together.

That's the result, nothing more is needed.

They don't understand each other very well, but he knows that all these loves have already been imprinted in eternity in his heart.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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