God please lie down

Chapter 802 That Boy Has Never Changed

Chapter 802 That Boy Has Never Changed

In fact, he didn't intend to be so clear originally, he just wanted to win an explanation for himself.

At that time, I didn't know what my preparation would look like.

Only by letting go of the usual things can he know that in the next time, he will encounter things that he thinks are right, maybe that is the most important thing.

Don't think about it, don't worry about it.

The self in that time is the best way.

There is no need to think so much, and there is no need to doubt anything.

At this moment, I should have seen everything clearly.

He used time to prove a lot of things, and he simply felt that he could not explain it clearly with a few words or understanding.

Because you never know what you will face next, so you will feel embarrassed.

Xiao Muchen never expected that there would be such a simple thing.

Generally speaking, every time he thinks about it, he doesn't know what kind of stories there can be in such a past. Speaking of it, it's not that he doesn't understand, but he just doesn't want to waste time on these things.

Every time you doubt your life, you have to think about whether what you are doing is right or wrong.

Because I don't know, it's not as perfect as I thought.

At this point, there is no need to talk about it.

In fact, what you wait for may not be so simple, and you will have a better future than now, and that is what you should want.

All the preparations, in his eyes, were nothing left.

But at this moment, it's just saying what he said before.

I always hope that I can wait for a result, but I still miss it after all.

Speaking of it, I can't blame him for anything. After all, Xiao Muchen didn't think about it clearly for a while. He had a lot of preparations. It's scary that he didn't realize it until the end. He can do whatever he wants .

Even though I have encountered so many things, it is still the case. I think it is in the past, and I may need to do something by myself.

Deep in Xiao Muchen's heart, it's not that he doesn't feel anything.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that all the preparations were really nothing in his eyes.

Because you have no way of knowing where all your former teammates have gone.

When I first saw it, I was still skeptical, but at the end, I would definitely remember that it was what I wanted.

Don't doubt what life is, and don't think about the past.

It should be like this, don't have any lack of self-confidence.

These people have already understood a lot.

It shouldn't be that there are so many rules and regulations, let alone feel that you can't do anything.

When the whole person's life changes, he should be convinced that although this is not the best, it is definitely satisfying for himself.

You may never know what will be waiting for you next.

But at this moment, you will understand more stories.

It's about yourself, it's about the past.

Those who hadn't thought about it, at this moment, suddenly realized that this is the best way.

Never feel that there is any embarrassment, no matter how many things you encounter, you are still the same boy, and you will not change when the time comes.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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