God please lie down

Chapter 804 For him, it is more long-term

Chapter 804 For him, it is more long-term

For Xiao Muchen, it takes a lot of time to play every game well.

He needs to study the skills of each hero carefully, as well as the combos between them.

This is not a particularly simple question, just like at the beginning, he didn't know much about everything.

But at the end, I suddenly realized that maybe that was the meaning I was chasing all along.

When you don't understand, use time to let everything go back to the past.

At that moment, you will understand what is the best way.

At this moment, he has prepared a lot of words, but before he speaks clearly, you are not sure what to do next.

Because I haven't thought about it, I don't have any plans for the next step. It's almost like if something happens, just deal with it calmly.

This is Xiao Muchen's attitude. He is not a person who likes to be troublesome. Sometimes, he will be very sober, no matter what he says, he will never say it, and he will always bury it in his heart.

But at least he is someone who thinks this way. When you understand these things, you will suddenly find that not only is it over, but even when you think about it, you have such a judgment.

There is nothing wrong with his decisions, and his decisions.

The only difference is experience.

In the past two years of leaving, there are too many unfamiliar things, and it seems a bit difficult for Jean to think clearly for a while.

I still remember that Xie Yuan told him when he first came back that many things should not be just looked at the surface, but believe that behind these things, there are still many things waiting for him.

Impossible to say the end.

He had no choice but to continue on this path.

When you understand these things, you suddenly realize that all the preparations are really related to what you see in your eyes and what you are about to meet.

But a long time ago, Xiao Muchen didn't understand these things. It took him a while to understand these things clearly. At that time, he was not sure whether it was what he wanted.

But he just felt that if he didn't do it, basically there would be no chance for him to speak up.

Some words, spoken out, may be different.

But when he really wants to do it, he will find that there is never more than that waiting for him.

There are a lot of guesses just relying on imagination. Later, it will be even more difficult to think about everything clearly.

Xie Yuan can be regarded as someone who has been here for a long time, even he has many things that he can't figure out clearly, let alone himself.

To put it bluntly, that is, if you can't wait for the result you want, then it's useless to say anything.

I didn't plan to prepare so many things for myself to think about, and I didn't have so much time to make him expensive.

If he had known it would be like this, he definitely wouldn't have waited until now.

Because there is no need for such time, it is even something to make me miss the past.

Instead of wasting time like this, it's better to do something meaningful.

When Xiao Muchen wanted to understand this, he suddenly realized that it was really the result of waiting for a long time.

What he wants is even more long-term than this.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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