God please lie down

Chapter 812 I know that there is nothing wrong with it

Chapter 812 I know that there is nothing wrong with it

Xiao Muchen didn't seem to be able to prepare so many people, he simply discussed the matter, his relationship with Xi Nuan has always been stagnant.

But what can this prove, but he never thought about how many things are left in his world.

In Xiao Muchen's eyes, he could see thousands of landscapes. He always felt that there are some things that he can't figure out clearly after thinking about them, so it's better not to look for them. These things may still have the same relationship in the end. Anyone who arrives will have a different idea.

But that person was Xi Nuan, so naturally there were many surprises.

He gives you a very heart-warming feeling, which makes you fall in love with this person slowly without knowing it, and also makes you think that a long time ago, what you yearned for most was nothing more than this kind of thing.

But this time, it was Xiao Muchen who gave him a chance, instead of letting others take advantage of him.

He had thought about it so much, but it was only after he spent a long time on this matter that he proved that his words were not false.

It's because I really like this person, so I don't have so many thoughts.

He seems to have thought about it for a long time but finally found his own destination. Every time he thinks about it, there will be so many strange questions.

Maybe even if I leave it to him to think about it, there won't be any good right or wrong.

After tossing and turning for so long, all I want is an answer.

Speaking of which, when I started thinking about it from different worlds, I realized that this matter might not end so easily.

What everyone sees is only the surface.

And Xiao Muchen wanted a lot more.

Those people didn't know, and didn't know, what he was looking for during this period of time, and he once felt that all his feelings were in vain.

It wasn't until later that I suddenly realized that this really wasn't something I could think about with my own head.

There are indeed many doubts in Xiao Muchen's heart, but what can this mean.

There are many reasons that he can't explain clearly, there is no need to delve into it, besides, every time he thinks about it, he sees more in his eyes than others.

Perhaps this is his natural sensitivity. Compared with others, he doesn't need much.

As long as there is one person who loves oneself, it is enough. I have not thought about what will happen next, and I have not even realized that in this case, what will be brought about by each of my decisions s consequence.

But in fact, in his heart, he is just a teenager.

His thinking may be very different from others, but after all, it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

To him, this also seemed like a challenge, Xiao Muchen was never afraid of anything.

Only in front of Xi Nuan, he would be afraid.

Afraid of losing this girl, he has always wanted to protect the person in his palm.

How difficult it is to meet her, no one knows better than him.

Along the way, it was as if she had prepared so many things, and to her, it was just the past.

I don't want to go all the way without leaving anything, at least one memory is the best.

There are so many things in Xiao Muchen's heart in total, and he has never mentioned it to others. He thought it was good that he knew it.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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