God please lie down

Chapter 826 Your Answer, My Faith

Chapter 826 Your Answer, My Faith

Of course, you need to admit that at that time, many people said such things because of jealousy.

If this is explained clearly, it must not be as simple as it is understood.

But I have to say that many things, up to now, have not been able to track down the original results.

Every time I think about it, I know the answer.

But later, you will find that these things will never change because of one person.

It doesn't seem like you can know the reason after thinking about it.

After breaking up, it seemed that it was already doomed.

Xi Nuan's family conditions are very good, and it is completely different from Gu Huai's before. This point, everyone in Daweier in Seoul understands this.

Even when they are together, it is very unexpected.

Later, there will be such an ending, but many people have guessed it.

I just don't want these two people to be together, not for any reason, just because of this feeling.

Every time I talk about it, I feel that there are many differences. In fact, I have already proved myself, but I am afraid that the next thing will not be so easily concealed by him.

It's a pity that this was all later. Thinking about it now, there is nothing later.

But at this moment, they all knew that Xiao Muchen and Xi Nuan were together, and speaking of it, the answer was already very clear.

Originally, I didn’t want to think about it. It can be seen that Xi Nuan has been prepared for a long time, but the answer may not be what I thought. When it’s really hard to explain, I just have to rely on my feeling to find it. justified.

These things were originally very simple, but when it comes to this, there is no need to worry about anything, and there is no need to find an answer.

What can be seen is not only the past, but the present.

What they want to know is already written on their faces.

After all, they are all different people and use different methods, but you must remember that from the very beginning, their preparations were not like this.

It was also after such a long time that I felt the answer that belonged to me.

I searched for a long time, for just such a person.

Speaking of it, there is no need to think about it.

If you want to talk about the difference between them, it is estimated that many people can't figure it out.

But later, she realized that when she came over, she would feel differently.

Xi Nuan is also someone who has thought about these things, she will not be unprepared.

It may feel different at first.

But in the end, I will definitely say everything clearly, and different people will have different ideas.

This is a question that doesn't need to be explained, and they don't need to think about it.

What I am most afraid of is that I have not explained anything later, and I am afraid that others will think too much.

Because she knew it, but never really said it.

Perhaps it would take a long time to understand, and just relying on an answer would not prove anything, and they all knew the reason.

The answers are already in front of me, so I don't need to say anything at all.

His feeling is unmistakable.

If you want to know, you shouldn't think about how far the difference between that problem and yourself is.

Probably because I have never really met the person I love, so I don't talk so much.

They will understand the rest.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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