God please lie down

Chapter 839 Just Think About It, Believe in Yourself

Chapter 839 Just Think About It, Believe in Yourself

Xiao Muchen still remembered that he had said many things clearly.

But found that no one would believe in themselves.

His understanding of games is indeed very profound, but sometimes, in the eyes of others, that is not right.

So in this way, there will be a lot of differences.

When he left the arena, Xiao Muchen never regretted it. The only regret was that he couldn't go back to the past.

So what if what I see now is the truth.

Can it change the result?

No, the matter has long been settled, no matter whether he thinks about it or not, the answer is in front of him.

But he never stretched out his hand. He felt that this was not like his own style, let alone the attitude he should have.

So of course there is preparation, and the next step is to face yourself.

He was afraid, and after thinking so much, it was still a joke in the eyes of others.

I don’t want to prepare for such a long time, and the thought of wanting to come back, I finally found out that it was all for myself.

In that case, there would be no meaning.

He himself doesn't think about it that much.

Unless there is something else in it that makes him have to think about it.

Xiao Muchen didn't want to make his life so complicated, he just wanted to play the game quietly.

But it was difficult, too many people were involved, and too many things were involved.

It is definitely not just a few words that can make Xiao Muchen go back.

It is said that this matter has been messed up from the very beginning.

Until now, it is still the same.

You thought you could prove everything, only to realize later that it was not entirely true.

I can only say that I haven't thought about it very clearly. Regarding the relationship issue, as always, it is still in the state that you can't explain clearly.

The reason, everyone will know.

But it is not clear whether it is right or wrong.

It must be difficult for others to admit the next thing.

But it must be very simple for him to understand.

It's useless to talk too much, it's best to do something useful.

Otherwise, what is said is not useful at all.

There are twists and turns in the middle, I am afraid that no one will be more clear than him.

Waiting is a long process. You have to endure all the impossibilities to come all the way to the present.

It's all about the past.

But now, it has become a thing of the past.

What is related to him is the past, and it is not something that can be done if it is made clear.

You will always understand that it is not what you like, but you have not thought about what the result will be.

Perhaps all along, according to the understanding of other people's memory, the truth is what it is.

Don't research, don't think about it, and don't doubt it.

Do what you think is right, even if you lose, you won't feel that you have any regrets.

Things should be like this, there are not so many complicated changes, and we should not think about the past.

At this point, although it is not what I thought, but it is also a little helpless.

It is best to see the situation clearly.

Don't wait for anything else. When it comes to right and wrong, nothing is clearer than now.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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