God please lie down

Chapter 844 Believe in yourself and create miracles

Chapter 844 Believe in yourself and create miracles

Xiao Muchen once believed in himself so much that he felt that he could do it.

But later, I suddenly discovered that there was no chance.

And when I had to choose to leave, I also realized that this was not like the answer I wanted after preparing for a long time.

The key is that every time he thinks about it, even if he finally sees it clearly, he doesn't dare to say it so clearly. He knows with certainty that what he is doing is so, to him, it is really That's what happened.

In fact, you don't have to think about the results you can wait for and the results you can't wait for.

In addition, after a while, I already know the answer in my heart, so I don't need to care about it deliberately.

Xiao Muchen will also be tired, after all, he is also alone.

In the face of loneliness, he will also feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Therefore, meeting Xi Nuan is equivalent to meeting my own warmth.

He once thought about what he would be without Xi Nuan.

If I can't return to this arena, I can't even think about so much of the past.

Sometimes you feel that every waiting may be for a better encounter.

Although you never know how much you can do in the next time, the only thing you understand is that you can have more past in this matter.

After all, it is a story, and you can see it in the moment you haven't said it clearly, it is the comfort you want.

In the final analysis, it is all the past, which is not so clear as what has been said.

Giving time to yourself may not be the best choice.

But it must be the most useful one at the moment.

You can't see what you will encounter in the next time.

But if you want to protect the person in front of you, that's for sure.

Even if he was on the field, he could still see Xi Nuan.

When he was a man with a bad temper, no one would listen to him.

That is stubbornness. Others may not know it, but for him, it is like this, and there is nothing wrong with it.

After thinking a lot, I was the one who finally said to give up.

Xiao Muchen will not regret it, nor will he feel that he has done anything wrong.

He just felt that many things might not be able to be decided by himself.

As he said, before the matter is over, all reasons should not be believed, even if he said such words from his own mouth.

He clearly realized what it was for, and every time he thought about it, he was thinking about whether he had done something wrong.

I never thought of it, and I have to face it in the future. The reason for this may not be so clear.

But it's okay, at least they can stand here and see what they want.

Moreover, usually, there will be a lot of small thoughts. If others don't understand, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything.

After thinking about it, I realized that it might not be possible.

In the end, you will find that the choice is right, but the way of walking is somewhat different.

But all of them are very clear about the principle that different routes lead to the same goal, and they don’t need to worry about it so clearly. They will leave all the past events to the future and let them understand. Give up by yourself.

Once you give up, there is really nothing left.

I remembered so much of the past, just for an answer, how could I believe it if I were someone else.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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