God please lie down

Chapter 853 I Know You Well, I'm Waiting For You

Chapter 853 I Know You Well, I'm Waiting For You

Xie Yuan should fully understand his kind of thinking. Although he doesn't know when things became like this, but what he has to admit is that when facing a person, Xie Yuan has always been very grasping. Well, the relationship here, although he never opened his mouth to say it so clearly, but he can only prove one thing.

He didn't have any confidence. After all, Xiao Muchen, a player, had a lot of uncertainties.

He didn't actually think about what kind of judgment he should make next, or what went wrong in his preparations. The only thing he knew was that no matter who happened to this matter, it would never happen. It can be done so easily.

And Xie Yuan's impression of Xiao Muchen was particularly good.

As for the acquaintance of the two of them, it was a long time ago.

After Xiao Muchen chose to leave the arena, he did a live broadcast.

Then what he did was that he was prosperous, he didn't have to worry about food and clothing, and he had many fans, mainly because of his skills, many people were willing to watch, and he could learn a lot.

This is not something every anchor can learn, so Xiao Muchen's live broadcast room attracted a lot of fans from the very beginning.

Even if Xi Nuan remembered that time, he had squatted in his studio.

The feeling I give myself is that this person is so strong that you don't know what to say.

He looks like a very unprepared person, but he has always grasped the rhythm very well and will bring you unexpected surprises.

Yes, that's it, before you know it, maybe you have been slowly attracted by him.

There are many things that don’t need to be said clearly, and at the beginning, they didn’t understand anything. They all know that many things, before they are over, you don’t know what will be left The reason, but it is nothing more than that, when you wait, it is what you want. As for what you don't wait, that may be another matter.

He couldn't tell what he planned or even thought during this period of time.

Later, I slowly realized that he had never said these words to others.

Regarding these matters, even if there was something that made him feel that he should deal with it, he had to discuss it with Xiao Muchen before speaking.

Many times, I would rather pretend that nothing happened, thinking that is the best for me.

Xie Yuan observed Xiao Muchen for a long time, so he was sure that he was the player he wanted.

For Xiao Muchen, this is an affirmation.

Even after leaving the arena for a long time, there is no doubt that he can still maintain a high-intensity competitive state.

Before that, I didn't think about so many reasons at all. Later, I realized that it might not be what I wanted to do. Maybe it was not until later that I realized it.

No one has considered the problem in the middle.

But at this moment, they don't need to say too much.

Letting go of his own obsession, for him, this is the best.

Xiao Muchen didn't want to make himself so tired, especially at this moment, most of the time was reserved for himself, and the rest was left for others.

They didn't think about it, and they didn't seem like people who would understand.

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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