God please lie down

Chapter 894 Maybe the answer is already clear

Chapter 894 Maybe the answer is already clear

It's not because it took a little time to figure it out, it's also because Xiao Muchen saw a lot during this time.

Fighting counterfeit matches, these three words are actually very heavy.

At that time, Xiao Muchen was already very considerate of the old relationship, otherwise, the current Qiran would not be active in the arena at all, that's right, this is the answer.

Xiao Muchen had already used his actions to tell them his answer.

Although many people think that Xiao Muchen is softening his heart, but for him, sometimes, he shouldn't care about it so clearly, because it doesn't make any sense.

On this matter, he really thought a lot, and even thought about all the things that shouldn't be thought about.

He just felt that people are bound to make mistakes, and they should be given a chance, and it is impossible to beat people to death with a stick like this.

Otherwise, wouldn't everything he had done for such a long time be meaningless.

Originally, they all understood these principles.

But how to express it, maybe they didn't mix up like Xiao Muchen.

He is not afraid of anything, even if there is a real result, he can bear any consequences.

So what others dare not do, he dares.

He also dares to touch the bottom line that others dare not touch.

Compared with others, it may be a world of difference. On this point, you never have to think about it.

They all know that behind these stories, there is really no need to pay attention to the results.

Otherwise, it would really make him think that at that time, no matter how dark the time was, it would have already passed.

I'm not afraid to face these things, I just don't want to uncover the bloody past again.

They all know it hurts.

Even if it is to escape, I don't want myself to recall the past.

For him, these reasons are irrelevant.

Maybe it's a judgment for themselves, they have all thought about how they thought during this period of time.

Before I think about it, I won't just let it go.

After all, that's all.

Once you understand it, you will realize that this is all your own wishful thinking after all.

Xiao Muchen would also be afraid of such a thing happening. In his eyes, wanting to do it and being able to do it are completely two different things.

He is very capable, and on this point, he has to admit it.

If you didn't make it clear, how could you feel bad when you think about it.

He will remember everything, those that are related to him and those that have nothing to do with him.

As long as it has been involved, I will think about it.

But he didn't know what would be waiting for him in the end.

Before thinking this way, he shouldn't tell everyone, as before, he already understood.

Not to say it, just to leave a face for each other.

Getting acquainted for a while will not make it look bad.

If the face is torn, it is another matter.

This circle is not very big. To put it bluntly, they are very clear about many things in their hearts.

But after all, there are always people who are unwilling to believe, and this is the result, always thinking about what to find out.

Xiao Muchen naturally disagreed, and once there was a disagreement about some things, the result would change a lot.

When they first started, they didn't think about it. Even at the end, they found out in a daze that maybe the answer was already very clear.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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