God please lie down

Chapter 972 You don't need to understand, it's the truth

Chapter 972 You don't need to understand, it's the truth

If it is true, Xi Nuan actually doesn't remember very clearly what happened many years ago.

After all, it's all in the past, and she didn't intend to stand still.

So it looks more like Xi Nuan has never cared about it, and she really wants to be herself.

That girl who can care about nothing, even if others say something, is not the same as the scenery in her eyes.

Usually, I still feel that it's not that I don't think, but that I don't think so clearly.

They don't know much about the follow-up.

Even Xi Feng didn't know much about Xi Nuan.

After all, Xi Nuan's parents are too strong.

Even he would be a little scared.

If he was asked to do these things, he might not have the courage.

They couldn't do what Xi Nuan did, after all, when it first happened, none of them had such confidence.

After getting to know it, I realized that not only did he have doubts about the past, but more importantly, even he himself still had the same lack of confidence.

Speaking of it, Xi Nuan may not only have courage, but also made a decision.

Faced with such a thing, you can still think calmly.

They should have known for a long time that no matter what time it is, as long as they persevere, there will be results, and when they don't understand, they should look back more.

They must be able to see these things clearly, you don't have to think about them, and you don't even need to waste time, you will find out that there are many things that you can be sure from the moment you meet, that person is what you want seen.

Xi Feng believed that Xi Nuan had met the right person, otherwise, she would not have said every word clearly in front of her parents.

If a person like her hadn't really made up her mind, she wouldn't have done that at all.

What happened next was not the same as what I had proved.

But Xiao Muchen is a very good player, and Xi Feng also went to inquire about it later.

Comments about him have always been online.

There is no reason for people not to believe him, maybe Xi Nuan's choice is right.

It's just that they don't know that's all. When they think of this, deep down in their hearts, they still have this or that kind of attachment.

They all know that before there is an answer to many things, everything is just their own imagination.

True or false, right or wrong, is not very important in itself.

Or maybe I didn't think clearly at all, what will be left in the end.

It is precisely because I have never been so conscious that I feel that once so many things happen, how will they end up.

Is it because Hong Kong has never been there before, or because they don't know what it is, or maybe they don't want to know at all.

When things have reached this level, there is no need to look back.

They once hoped that all things could see an end in the end, instead of just relying on guesswork to do things.

Because there are many people who don't understand, but there are still many people who don't know these things.

So, many things are more complicated than I thought.

Otherwise, it would be a state of not knowing anything, but compared to that, it is obviously much more heart-warming now.

(End of this chapter)

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