God please lie down

Chapter 975 Persistence is you, dream is you

Chapter 975 Persistence is you, dream is you

Having such an idea in my heart proves that Xi Nuan has thought about it from the very beginning, and he must take this relationship seriously.

She also met many people who loved her and loved her.

But for the first time, someone gave her the idea of ​​spending a lifetime together.

That person is Xiao Muchen, so she decided, it's him, and it won't change again.

Fortunately, the person she loves is also loving her.

Xi Nuan didn't know why she suddenly thought of these things during the competition, maybe it was because she was watching Xiao Muchen in a trance, thinking about a lot of future things, which was something she had never done before.

In her world, after all, it really happened, so she also knows that sticking to it is the life she wants.

Until then, it's all talk.

There was no actual evidence, not even a promise, between them.

Whatever you think about it depends on your own mood.

When you can’t see clearly, just ask yourself, is that what she wants?
Xi Nuan suddenly laughed, perhaps if he had seen this earlier, he would have understood it more thoroughly than now.

But that's all for the future. No one can see clearly now, maybe they can't understand more.

No matter how many things came to her, if she wanted to prove a lot, she had to realize it a long time ago.

Otherwise, there is nothing left.

When I first started talking, it was inevitable that I would feel that I couldn't do it.

But after trying it, you will know that there is nothing wrong with it.

You have to choose to believe in yourself. In this case, you have no doubts about your choice.

It's not that Xi Nuan hasn't thought about her own future, she also feels that it is a good thing to think more about many things at this time.

Watching Xiao Muchen's game is a kind of enjoyment, but behind this kind of enjoyment, you must still see that her feelings will become more and more profound with Xiao Muchen's appearance.

They understand it, they just don't know how to deal with it.

Originally, he thought that he was very powerful, but if he were to compare with Xiao Muchen now, he would have no chance.

Or it means that there are always a lot of people, and at the end of the day, it's just like this, thinking that when it's over, there really aren't any.

How many stories do you have to encounter in life before you realize that it is your dream.

Xi Nuan didn't know either, but this was the only person she was willing to give everything for.

There is nothing then, and there is no need for anything ever.

He is here, it is spring.

Like the warmth of spring and the flowers blooming, there is no need to worry about it at all.

Perhaps it was precisely because of such things that many people realized that Xiao Muchen had a height that many of them could not reach.

What he wants, but it's never something, just stick to it.

It's only when you think about it that you will know that this is the most correct way.

There is always a dream, in case it can be realized.

At the beginning, I didn't think there was anything wrong, but when I calmed down now, I realized that I had to start planning everything from the beginning.

Otherwise, I don't even know where I am.

When he thinks about it, what is going on in his heart.

If I had known earlier, there would not be so many things now.

(End of this chapter)

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