God please lie down

Chapter 977 One minute and one second, I don't want to separate

Chapter 977 One minute and one second, I don't want to separate
Every time Xi Nuan came to watch the game, he would bring some support items.

There is always nowhere to put the hand holding the sign, because it will also be nervous.

What's even more strange is that he never felt that at this moment, there must be some reason to be able to explain clearly.

They don't seem to be able to prepare so many people. Although it is simple, it is still enough.

There are always so many people in your life, and you will have many different feelings in places you haven't seen yet.

It's not that you have to think this way to feel that you have already made a choice.

They have never wondered how many things they think about in their hearts, or whether the stories you think will change because of one person.

I still remember many things in the past, and at this moment, it seems to be ready.

Whether you know it or not, it’s all the same.

"I didn't think you could see anything."

"You said that I was with you. From the regular season to the playoffs, I have eaten a lot of snacks, but I still don't understand."

When Xi Feng said this, he didn't feel any guilt at all.

That's really the case, thinking about it, his understanding hasn't made any progress.

It's really under the scope of their rendering, and I still don't know anything.

It may have something to do with his own unwillingness to learn. If he wants to, he can always learn.

But Xi Feng would rather just watch from below, eat a bunch of snacks, and don't want to study, which is very uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, a person like him can be regarded as successful in his career, but when he does things, he still looks like a child.

Even in the face of many things, I still choose to pretend that I don't know anything.

Xi Nuan sometimes felt that everything he said to him was useless.

Because no matter what, he will keep things in his heart.

He never told anyone what he planned.

Maybe even if I have already found the most correct method in my heart, I still can only choose to stay here in the end.

What he doesn't want to think about is more than the only one.

What's more, even if you think about it, there is nothing left.

It wasn't until the end of all the stories that he realized that it wasn't like his preparation, let alone that everything would go back to where it used to be.

If he might have thought about it, it would be of no use.

There are not many people who can realize their dreams just by relying on their own ideas.

But Xi Feng is an exception. His starting point is still relatively good.

The current achievements are due to his own preparations.

Otherwise, I don't know how many things will happen, anyway, it doesn't matter even if I wait.

Maybe more often, it's because of my own relationship, so I don't have to think about anything.

That is, if he could not think about anything in the past so much time, then he would not need to understand the rest of the story at all.

Although I have understood it very thoroughly from a long time ago, but salvation is not what I think it is.

Xi Feng just felt that they might not be able to see any results after watching each game without losing.

So, just keep the original intention in front of you, that is the best.

For the rest, there is no need to think about it at all.

So far, Xi Feng has not figured out what these two people like to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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