God please lie down

Chapter 997 To look forward, to move forward

Chapter 997 To look forward, to move forward
Sometimes, the past looks more like something that needs to be remembered.

And Xiao Muchen never had any deliberate intentions, what he saw and did was all based on his heart.

It really is that kind, you will encounter many things, but you never know how many stories will be left in the end.

Because I never understood it, I slowly discovered it in the follow-up, and I remembered it very clearly.

Even Xiao Muchen himself didn't expect that this was the case.

Even he himself didn't expect that he would meet so many people and so many things.

When Xie Yuan found him, he admitted that he had thought a lot.

Those things that should be thought about and those that should not be thought about have stayed in my head for a long time.

In the end, he agreed, but he couldn't bear it.

There is nothing better than this excuse, so even he himself knows this, it is very likely that he can't figure out the truth at all.

But it doesn't matter, but now that I think about it, I should know it. Afterwards, it is inevitable that I will meet the right person.

No matter how much you think about it, you will find that what you keep in your heart is exactly what you don't want to forget.

He never cared about anything, and he relied on his thoughts. Although he didn't know when he should show these friendships, after all, that's what he wanted.

You have to work hard to remember these things, Zheng Min has already thought about it very clearly since a long time ago.

When you don't know exactly how to do it, you never know how many futures you will encounter.

For a person like him, it's hard to imagine that there are so many secrets hidden in his heart.

After all, he gives people a feeling that when the time comes, there are only things you can't think of, but there is nothing he doesn't know.

This is also like a story that has been arranged long ago. He never chooses to do things he doesn't like because of one person.

It doesn't matter at this point, so it's not that I don't know, it's because I never thought about it.

Usually when I think of these things, I will plan some things.

What they are most afraid of is that there will be some troubles in the middle of the process, which they cannot make up for.

If they weren't ready, who would believe that they didn't know anything.

If it were Xiao Muchen himself, he would not believe it.

At this point, he should have understood it a long time ago.

No one will know why so many things happened in the follow-up.

What I see in my eyes, no matter how many reasons there are, it seems that there is no connection, but in fact, it should have been made very clear long ago.

Only those among them will not know this.

In the past, I really didn't think of this, and I seemed to feel it, but I never said it.

At first, I thought that this matter would eventually come to an end, but it wasn't until now that I realized more and more that it was because I didn't think too much about it.

And he has long forgotten, many things that he thought about at that time.

He has always felt that the most beautiful thing in the world is that you are doing something that you think is meaningful. Maybe this is the best thing.

Nothing to say, just do it.

(End of this chapter)

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