Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 18 Chu Wei, You Fucking Coward

Chapter 18 Chu Wei, You Fucking Coward
Chu Wei was a little dizzy looking at the corpse rolling in front of him. Lin Canghai stared at Chu Wei with wide eyes, which woke Chu Wei up in a flash. Chu Wei touched Lin Canghai with trembling hands, couldn't help it anymore, and yelled out: " dad!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, it turned out that this Chu Xiao was Lin Canghai's son.

Chu Yan also didn't expect that Chu Xiao was Lin Canghai's son, so they had been planning to kill her father and elder brother all along. Unexpectedly, their father and son had been planning since then. Chu Yan felt chills in her heart. Ever thought that that kind-hearted Uncle Lin actually poisoned his sworn brother with his own hands?Thinking of this, Chu Yan's eyes were full of resentment.

Seeing Chu Yan's cold and murderous eyes, Houston stood up.

"Chu Yan, Lin Canghai blackmailed the Tianlong Club for a lot of arms business back then. Father Chu broke up with Lin Canghai because of this. Lin Canghai went to my country in anger, but he didn't expect him to be so ambitious that he made his son a Chu Father's adoptive son, I only found out about it recently, so I rushed over to inform you, I didn't expect it to be too late!"

To be honest, Houston just got this matter. It is said that Chu Yan has returned to China and will inherit the Tianlong Society. I am afraid no one knows what the Tianlong Society does. But Houston is very happy. If this is the case, Chu Yan will definitely be inseparable from now on. This is the way, and the Bruce family is a mafia family, so will there be a chance with Chu Yan in the future?

When Lin Canghai first entered the Americas, he was unfamiliar with the place where he lived. He had once thought of joining the Bruce family because he was a well-known gangster gangster. Unfortunately, he was too presumptuous back then. How could a gangster family need such a small person as Lin Canghai.

Chu Yan nodded after listening, but looked at Houston with gratitude, Chu Yan stared at everyone present and said: "Today is not only the day when Chu Yan succeeds as the head of the Tianlong Society, but also the day when I avenge my father , Lin Canghai and Chu Yu killed my father and brother, this feud cannot be shared, Yu Gong, these two people betrayed the Tianlong Society, joined forces with the Ax Gang to attack the Tianlong Society headquarters, the crime is unforgivable!"

Chu Yan suffered severe abdominal pain, but she still insisted and said, "Please!"

After Chu Yan finished speaking, the hall was completely quiet, and immediately afterward, all the brothers of Tianlonghui also said: "Please family law!"

All of a sudden, a thunderous sound came, shaking everyone in the lobby.

Never thought that the centripetal force of the people of the Tianlonghui was so strong. The people on the road looked at the murderous spirit of the people of the Tianlonghui, and there was a posture of not shedding blood and dying, and everyone shunned.

Looking at this posture, Li Tou sat on the ground in shock.

Li Tou's heart is bleeding, why is I so confused, Tianlonghui is like a sleeping lion, it's okay if you don't provoke it, if you provoke it, you will lose your skin if you don't die.

As the voices of the Tianlonghui brothers came to an end, the family law was invited, and several brothers came over carrying torture tools and a copy of the Tianlong family law. Chu Yan glanced at Bai Sandao and said, "Read!"

"Anyone who betrays the Heavenly Dragon Society will be sentenced to be hanged, and anyone who betrays the Heavenly Dragon Brothers will be sentenced to five punishments!" After Bai Sandao finished his recitation, everyone was startled. According to this family law, wouldn't he be killed on the spot?Although Lin Canghai was dead, wouldn't he also get a corpse?
Some timidly stepped back, everyone thought, is it possible to perform in front of the public?
But Lin Canghai is already dead, so is it possible that he wants to?

When Chu Wei heard it, she was so scared that she hid back, but found that there was nowhere to hide. There was a faint smell, and everyone looked under Chu Wei, but they didn't expect to pee in fright.

Chu Wei just remembered what Bai Sandao said yesterday, and looked at his former brothers with pleading eyes.

Seeing the eyes of everyone who wanted to kill her, all of Chu Xiao's confidence plummeted.

"Chu Yan, sister, anyway, I am also your brother, you can't do this, please, please spare my life, I don't dare to do it again!" Chu Yan said, knocking a few times in the direction of Chu Yan Nodding his head, it seemed that he had really exerted his strength, and his forehead was bleeding from knocking.

"When you killed my father and brother, did you ever think that I was your sister? Chu Wei, you are such a fucking coward!"

Chu Yan sneered, holding her belly with her hands, almost unable to bear it anymore.

"Enforce the family law!"

After Chu Yan finished speaking, she turned her head away, and shed a tear where no one could see, which was wiped away by Chu Yan. Chu Yan took a deep breath, and the pain in her abdomen deepened.

Seeing that Chu Yan couldn't hold on anymore, Li Wei hurried over to let Chu Yan lean on him.

Chu Yan's heart warmed up, seeing that the time was almost up, Chu Yan nodded to Zhu Yin, Zhu Yin understood, and avoided everyone to go to support Yunxiang.

Chu Yan thought to herself, according to the plan, Yun Xiang should also contact the master. In this way, if the family law is changed, Chu Wei will die.

This country has national laws, and the family has family rules. Chu Xiao is immortal, so it is difficult to appease the hearts of the people, and it is even more difficult to establish authority.

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth curled slightly, which seemed to mean something unclear.

Chu Yu and Lin Canghai were put on the Xing frame, Chu Yu's clothes were stripped off, and the brother who enforced the family law cut it off with a knife, and a piece of tender white meat fell off and was thrown in front of everyone.

Chu Wei screamed, this time it's really over, Chu Yan looked at Chu Yan viciously. "Chu Yan, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Everyone saw that Chu Xiao died little by little in the miserable howl, and all of them were sweating on their foreheads.

Chu Yan was very satisfied with the results this time, which not only protected the Tianlonghui, but also deterred the major gangs.Chu Yan looked down the stage. At this moment, Chu Yan had no previous thoughts at all. From now on, she was the leader of the Tianlonghui, the leader of this gang.I can never go back to the old world of playing games, talking about love, no matter whether it is Qin Aofeng or Chu Yu, they have all disappeared, and some are just the bosses of all the brothers of the Tianlonghui, the gangster bosses who carry the entire Tianlonghui.

Chu Yan glanced at the crowd, the people who came with Chu Xiao just now must also be purged together, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to kick them out one by one.

"Uncles and uncles, from now on Chu Yan will be the head of Tianlonghui. I know you are dissatisfied with me, but there are talents from generation to generation. You know what to do!" There was something in Chu Yan's words. Those who know current affairs are Junjie, and one of them stood up.

"My niece is right, I am old Li, and I won't get involved in your young man's world anymore!"

"That's right, it's time for us to take care of ourselves, Lao Li, I agree with you!"


Several old men finished talking one after another, of course there were some stubborn ones, but Chu Yan had a lot of solutions because she was weak alone.

Seeing that Chu Yan was about to be overwhelmed, Houston said to everyone, "Tianlonghui is Bruce's friend, if anyone disagrees, you can come to me!" As soon as Houston said this, everyone shook their heads, for fear of offending this living ancestor.

Chu Yan sneered, and said to the crowd: "My friends, it's not easy to come by, don't be swept away by the internal affairs of Tianlonghui, there will be a singing and dancing dinner later, everyone have fun!"

As soon as Chu Yan said this, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.Chu Yan motioned to Li Wei and Houston, and the two brought Chu Yan back to the inner hall. The security of the venue was handed over to Bai Sandao. After a while, the siren rang outside, and everyone on the road ran around in fright , Some of the dignified ones suppressed their uneasiness and remained calm.

Seeing this, Chu Yan smiled, and said, "Leave the rest to Zhu Yin and Yun Xiang, and take me to Brother Yan!"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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