Chapter 26 Chapter 033
Shui Yixin was happy, and said to Yun Qing: "Okay, okay, your grandpa Xiao will definitely help you!"

Yun Qing laughed through tears.

Xiao Zhentian had already heard Shui Yixin's words in the hall, looking at the closed door of Xiao Minghong, thoughtful.

It seems that the daughter-in-law still doesn't know the identity of this grand-daughter-in-law. With her status as the head of the Tianlong Society, how could she be easily married back by Ming Hong?Suddenly remembered last night, that dead boy led the Xiaoying special forces to encircle and suppress the imperial banquet. According to his subordinates, he only arrested a few people from the Wendonghui.

Xiao Zhentian was confused. Wasn't that Wendong always in the south?
How did you get involved with the people of Tianlonghui?Since Xiao Minghong got into trouble with the Wendonghui, what are his plans?Why not just cooperate with Chu Yan directly?

"Grandpa, is Big Brother back? Who is Mom talking to?"

Xiao Zhentian came back to his senses, it turned out that his grandson Xiao Mingda had returned.

Xiao Zhentian nodded, and said: "I'm back, why don't you go back!"

Xiao Ming is Xiao Minghong's younger brother, but the difference is that Xiao Ming didn't follow the old man's order to join the army, but went directly to the Xiao Group.To manage the huge business empire of the Xiao family, this Xiao Mingjie really has a business mind. He has developed Xiao's group into what it is now, which can compete with the other four major consortiums.

Seeing that Xiao Zhentian's expression was not quite right, Xiao Ming was a little confused, and didn't know why grandpa was angry.

"Grandpa, why are you angry, and what happened to your elder brother?" Xiao Mingda remembered, except seven years ago, his elder brother didn't know what happened to his head, and even gave up his long-planned plan to wipe out the Tianlong Society and the Axe Gang , After a big quarrel with the old man, he actually moved out of the Xiao family mansion in a fit of anger.

Mr. Xiao snorted, and said: "The wings are hard, I can't control it anymore, since I'm with wolves, it's better to let wolves eat them!"

Xiao Mingda's forehead twitched a bit, is he in company with wolves?

Xiao Minghong smiled unconsciously, just like Xiao Minghong, he himself is a wild wolf, I don’t know who can control him, now he is the head of the military department, think about what old man Xiao said just now, Xiao Minghong I shuddered.

"Grandpa, don't say that, by the way, is girl Yun here?" Now that Xiao Minghong is back, Yun Qing should also come back.

Thinking of Yun Qing's eyes looking at Xiao Minghong, Xiao Minghong was a little annoyed at himself, why couldn't he muster up his courage, what's so good about him, Xiao Minghong!

Xiao Zhentian glanced at his grandson, every time he was scorched by Xiao Minghong, but found that he didn't understand this grandson very well.

Mr. Xiao nodded, then shook his head again.

Xiao Mingda frowned, what the hell are you doing?
Seeing that Mr. Xiao's eyes were avoiding, Xiao Mingda didn't say much, and went directly to his mother.

When Xiao Mingda came over, Shui Yixin just hung up the phone, looking at her second son with a happy face.

"Second brother, you are back. Just now, girl Yun said that she would come to our house to live for a while, and then you have to help mom, did you hear me?"

Shui Yixin said to himself, Xiao Mingyu was a little confused, what, Yun Qing is coming to stay for a while, thinking of this, Xiao Mingyu suddenly became happy.

In fact, it hurts Yun Qing even to beat up little Xiao Ming, and let Yun Qing let in all the delicious and fun things, but Xiao Ming has a weird temper, when he gives things to others, he never gives them good looks, which leads to Yun Qing was always afraid when he saw Xiao Minghong, so Xiao Minghong became Yun Qing's favorite naturally.

Xiao Mingyu was also anxious, but he didn't know if it was machismo or what, every time he saw Yun Qing he kept bullying her.

This time I heard that Yun Qing was going to live away from home, this time Xiao Ming was very happy.

Xiao Mingyu suddenly thought of something, wouldn't mom mean to let him match Yun Qing and elder brother?Lin's expression changed, he nodded sullenly and went upstairs.

Seeing her son, Shui Yixin didn't think much about it, knowing that her second son always made Yunqing angry, she didn't take it seriously, but Mr. Xiao who was standing beside him happened to see this scene.

Looking at Xiao Ming's disappearing figure, Xiao Zhentian fell into deep thought again.

The next day, Yun Qing really came, Xiao Zhentian knew that this girl would definitely come to find fault, so he hurriedly found something and hid out.

When Shui Yixin learned that Yun Qing was coming, she hurried down and looked at Yun Qing's bright red eyes, feeling very distressed.

Shui Yixin hugged Yun Qing in her arms, and gently comforted her: "Don't worry, girl Yun, Auntie will make the decision for you!"

Yun Qing nodded, and tears fell down again.

"Auntie!" Yun Qing's voice was very nasal, with a crying tone that made people feel distressed.

Shui Yixin smiled slightly, and then said: "Hey, Yun girl stay here first, that bitch, Auntie will deal with it, and you will pester you Brother Xiao well, you Brother Xiao loves you so much, don't worry!"

Shui Yixin's words happened to be heard by the two people who came down.

When Xiao Mingda heard his own mother say this, his heart ached, but his mouth slit in disdain.

When Chu Yan who came down from the other side of the corridor heard it, she just smiled at the corner of her mouth, and continued: "Hey, it's a good day, I didn't expect the Xiao family mansion to have such a beautiful view!"

The sudden sound broke Xiao Ming's consciousness.

Xiao Mingda looked up, hey, who is she?A new maid in the house?Good figure, unfortunately....

Looking at the scar on the woman's face, Xiao Mingyu felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly Xiao Ming was stunned, she, isn't she the chairman of Tianlong Group?

Unexpectedly, the chairman of the Tianlong Group, the head of the five consortiums, would appear in the Xiao family mansion, Xiao Ming frowned, how could she be here.

When Shui Yixin heard Chu Yan's words, his complexion changed immediately, and he said, "You're really a bumpkin. You really haven't seen the world. What does the Xiao family do? If you say this, you won't be afraid of losing face to the Xiao family!"

Chu Yan just smiled slightly, but Xiao Mingda frowned.

Mom doesn't know Chu Yan's identity?I have never seen the world. If the chairman of Tianlong Group has never seen the world, it is estimated that few people in country Z have seen the world.

Xiao Mingyu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, maybe this is someone, I think the third lady of the Li family is pretty good, how about..."

When Xiao Minghong heard it, he immediately had a headache and hurriedly pushed to leave, but it was Xiao Minghong who came down.

Yun Qing saw Xiao Minghong first, and immediately said: "Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Minghong did not expect that Yun Qing would come early this time, seeing his daughter-in-law at the stairs, he went directly to hold Chu Yan in his arms.

Chu Yan frowned, looked at Xiao Minghong's panda eyes, and temporarily held back.

Xiao Ming was going to leave, but when he heard what Yun Qing said, Xiao Ming raised his head and looked up, why is my brother so close to this woman?
Could it be that...

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming
This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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