Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 32 Someone at the door got into a fight with that surnamed Xiao

Chapter 32 Someone at the door got into a fight with that surnamed Xiao
Chu Yan looked at the man in front of her, her eyes were full of questioning, this is the Xiao family you brought me here, this is what you call protection.

Chu Yan smiled disappointedly, waved to the brothers, and prepared to leave.

Xiao Minghong reached out and grabbed Chu Yan's wrist.

Chu Yan could feel the sweat on her palms.

Chu Yan shook her hand, ignored Xiao Minghong's expression, kicked it out, and said, "Go to death!"

Xiao Minghong held his thighs and looked at the direction where Chu Yan was going away, and gritted his teeth.

What is this!

Shui Yixin saw Chu Yan leaving with a large group of people, and only then did she know who her daughter-in-law was.

Shui Yixin was a little scared, Xiao Mingda rushed over and hugged Yun Qing.

Xiao Mingyu really wanted to slap this girl, but seeing Yun Qing's pained face, he told Yun Lao and drove Yun Qing to the hospital immediately.

After Xiao Mingjiao left, everyone discovered that Yunxiang was also injured.

Seeing Yun Xiang like this, Xiao Minghong knew how angry Chu Yan must be.

Seeing that his family member was injured by someone from the Xiao family, Yunfei City quarreled with Xiao Zhentian, Yunfei and Shui Yixin pulled the two elders away helplessly, and the Xiao family mansion finally calmed down.

Xiao Minghong simply stopped Yun Xiang's bleeding, and took Yun Xiang to the army hospital.

"What do you plan to do next?" Xiao Minghong asked.

Yun Xiang shook his head, but did not speak.

Although I have been in Tianlonghui for so many years, I get used to it after a long time, and it seems that it is my home when I get used to it, not to mention that there is someone I care about there.Yun Xiang felt an inexplicable sense of happiness when he thought of Zhu Yin's exquisite face, which was always painted so maturely and seductively, and when he yelled at him with foul language all day long.But all of this was shattered today, including the boss he admired and himself who abandoned him.

Yun Xiang also understands that his own way is different, and he even persuaded Xiao Minghong seven years ago, but when it happened to him, it was more or less unbearable, and what made Yun Xiang more depressed was his own powerlessness .

Xiao Minghong didn't speak either, this daughter-in-law was just picked up, and she went home to visit her relatives before staying for two days, and it's still unknown how long she will save.

Xiao Minghong's thigh still had a faint pain, but he had to go again.

Yun Xiang glanced at Xiao Minghong's constipated face, he was domineering when he took people to the "Emperor's Feast" that day, but now he looks like a yellow-tailed wolf, even a military uniform can't cover Xiao Minghong's moment decline.

"Come on, Boss Chu is not such a ruthless person, otherwise why would I..." Halfway through speaking, Yun Xiang stopped talking.It's meaningless to say it again, I'm afraid, I won't be able to go back to Tianlonghui again.

Yun Xiang took the cigarette that Xiao Minghong handed over, and then Xiao Minghong smoked it, his eyes smudged by the smoke were slightly red, Yun Xiang coughed lightly, and when he touched the wound, it was extremely painful.

After Xiao Minghong smoked vigorously, he threw the cigarette on the ground and strangled it out.

"Are you all right here?" Xiao Minghong continued.

"Don't worry, I won't die." Yun Xiang somewhat understood what Xiao Minghong was going to do, he just smiled and went to smoke.

Xiao Minghong turned around to leave, suddenly thought of something, and continued: "Young girl Yun is really scared this time, and I'm here with her, if you have anything to do, just ask her."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Minghong left, Yun Xiang curled his lips, if it wasn't for the trouble caused by that dead girl, maybe it wouldn't be...

As soon as Xiao Minghong left, Yun Xiang saw Xiao Mingjiao helping Yun Qing pass through the corridor on the right, probably because Yun Xiang was wearing a hospital gown, he ignored Yun Xiang.

Yun Xiang looked at this girl and Xiao Mingdao, and felt that there was something tricky.

Yun Qing was really frightened this time, and she just got over it now.

Xiao Ming sat on the saddle for a long time, and finally saw a smile on Yun Qing's face.

Xiao Mingyu explained Yun Qing well, and Yun Qing also learned from him how powerful that Chu Yan was.Yun Qing never imagined that the backstage of that ugly woman would be so powerful. No wonder, seeing her ruffian appearance, one should know that she is not a good person.

But I also heard from my grandfather that Chu Yan is the chairman of Tianlong Group, and that Tianlong Society used to be the leader here, so Chu Yan really has been in the Tao, and he has a good appearance.

Brother Xiao is the top leader of the military department, and he would marry such a woman back. Isn't this just asking for trouble?
"Hey, will Big Brother Xiao be in danger?" Yun Qing asked worriedly, but what he said made Xiao Ming's heart uncomfortable.

This dead woman's head is muddled, even if there is danger, Chu Yan is the eldest brother's wife, so it's none of your business!

"Don't worry, don't forget, the eldest brother is also a gangster!" Xiao Mingda knew Yun Qing's intentions, but Xiao Mingda just couldn't control himself. "Do you still remember that elder brother moved out of Xiao's mansion seven years ago?"

Yun Qing opened his eyes in a daze, and suddenly remembered what happened seven years ago, that time Yun Qing was also at Xiao's house.

Brother Xiao just came back from a mission. When he came back, his expression was still serious, and he declared that the plan had failed.

Everyone was taken aback at the time, what happened, Xiao Minghong's ability was obvious to all, why did he fail this time?Carelessness or mercy?
What everyone didn't expect was that Xiao Minghong proposed to separate the family and moved out of the Xiao family mansion.

Since then, Xiao Minghong really lived alone.

"What? What happened seven years ago?" Yun Qing asked.

"Seven years ago, my eldest brother made a plan to destroy the Ax Gang and the Tianlong Society. The original plan went ahead as usual, but when the Tianlong Society and the Ax Gang fought and destroyed the Ax Gang, the eldest brother actually announced the cancellation of the plan. This is why the Tianlong Society came. It still exists now, otherwise, with the strength of Yunxiang and Big Brother at that time, Tianlonghui would be unable to stand up." When Xiao Mingyu said this, Yun Qing stood up in shock.

It's not hard to imagine why Brother Xiao would marry that woman seven years later.

Brother Xiao obviously...just... seven years ago...

So that's the case, Yun Qing really understood this time.

Seeing Yun Qing being so silent, Xiao Ming panicked, this girl won't be overwhelmed!
"Yun Qing, you..."

Yun Qing raised his head and smiled at Xiao Mingyu, saying: "Ah, I'm fine."

Yun Qing continued to walk forward silently, but was grabbed by Xiao Mingyu at the corner.

Yun Qing was a little caught off guard, and before he could react, he was pulled over by Xiao Mingyu and kissed him.

"Woo!" Yun Qing snorted, his mind went blank.

When Xiao Mingyu let go of Yun Qing, Yun Qing gasped heavily.

"Silly girl, you are trying to suffocate yourself to death!"

Yun Qing punched out, but was caught by Xiao Mingyu and put it in his heart.

"Boom!" The heart beat so violently.Yun Qing took a step back suddenly, and Xiao Mingda pressed forward.


Xiao Mingyu smiled slightly and said, "Yun Qing, I like you!"

Yun Qing was stunned, and then Yun Qing was furious, and said: "Huh, if you like me, you always grab things from me, if you like me, you know how to bully me, who are you kidding!"

Xiao Mingyu looked at Yun Qing's fists hitting him fondly, and then said: "Only in this way, you will cast your eyes on me, you don't know, every time you look at the eyes of big brother, it makes me Mad with jealousy."

"If my elder brother hadn't moved out of the Xiao's mansion seven years ago, I think I would have been the one who moved out!"

Yun Qing bit her lower lip lightly, but did not speak, her eyes were very clear when she looked at Xiao Mingdao, Yun Qing took a closer look, Xiao Mingdao did not lie.


"Give me a chance, I will do better than Big Brother!"

Yun Qing trembled, wavered, and messed up...

Yun Qing pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

Xiao Mingyu suddenly laughed, lifted the cloud and turned it around a few times before stopping.

Heavenly Dragon Club Emperor Heaven Feast Headquarters.

The meeting room was very quiet, and no one dared to speak loudly. It is said that the head of the Xiaoying Special Forces had been sleeping on the floor downstairs for several days, and Chu Yan still didn't move.

Li Wei came up, looked at the shack downstairs, and said: "Boss, something bad happened, someone at the door got into a fight with that surnamed Xiao!"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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