Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 44 This Chief Xiao is a big deal

Chapter 44 This Chief Xiao is a big deal

Seeing that Xiao Minghong smiled embarrassedly, Lao Bai noticed the lipstick on Xiao Minghong's face. Seeing that Chu Yan was furious, Lao Bai understood.

Boss would never use such a vulgar lipstick, could it be possible that there is someone outside Mr. Xiao?
Thinking of this, Lao Bai also frowned, damn it, this Xiao Minghong actually bullied the boss, isn't this just to discredit Tianlong Society?This is using our Tianlong brothers as a display!

Lao Bai pressed the communicator in his hand and said, "All the brothers downstairs come up!"

As soon as Lao Bai said this, Xiao Minghong became anxious.

Xiao Minghong also knew that family ugliness should not be publicized, not to mention it was still in the territory of Tianlonghui, Tianlonghui itself had a very important position in Chu Yan's heart, if it went on like this, Chuyan would not cut off contact with him.

Xiao Minghong hurriedly took a step forward, and said: "Daughter-in-law, can you listen to me? It's not like what you saw, actually..."

"Heh, heh's not what I saw? How could it be like that?" Chu Yan pulled Lao Bai away and took a step forward.

"Then tell me, have you...been kissed by someone else?" Chu Yan asked, and took a step forward.

It's true, Xiao Minghong licked his lower lip and nodded.

"Is my mother wrong? I made it clear to Houston today, and made him promise to return to America. Is this the result you gave me?" Chu Yan asked again, and took two steps forward.Chu Yan wanted to smack herself, so why didn't she care about it!

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry for you!" Xiao Minghong was anxious, and said in a daze, but he didn't think that Chu Yan didn't want to hear what Xiao Minghong had to say, what's the use of saying sorry?If the thief can turn himself in, why do we need the police?
Go away, Tianlong will not welcome you! "Chu Yan said coldly, turned around, not wanting to look at Xiao Minghong again.

It seems that the previous scenes have become a play on the spot, and I have been injured by him several times, but it has become a joke.

Chu Yan also didn't understand that she was inexplicably sad, which she had never felt before.

Xiao Minghong looked at Chu Yan's eyes, and trembled in his heart. Chu Yan's eyes were the same as when he looked at Qin Aofeng back then. Xiao Minghong clenched his hands nervously, and hurriedly came over to take a step forward. Xiao Minghong didn't want to see that What's more, this is a complete misunderstanding.

"Daughter-in-law, this is a misunderstanding, I really didn't do it!" After Xiao Minghong finished speaking, Chu Yan kicked over again. He took Chu Yan's kick.

Xiao Minghong was kicked like this, he retreated a few steps, then Chu Yan turned around, and said to Lao Bai: "Hit me out!"

When Lao Bai heard this, all the brothers downstairs also came up at this moment, and they all rushed up in a hive, surrounding Xiao Minghong and Shuanzi.

When Xiao Minghong was kicked by Chu Yan, his lower abdomen hurt badly, but he still gritted his teeth and remained calm.

Lao Bai was stunned for a moment, it's not that Lao Bai didn't know the strength of the boss's kick, and Xiao Minghong was able to keep his face, which made Lao Bai admire him a little.

Lao Bai frowned, but now that the way is different and they are not conspiring with each other, Lao Bai continued: "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry!"

As they said that, the brothers from the Tianlonghui saw Lao Bai's hands, and they all went up with a whoosh, and the one who hit him was called "Furious".

Seeing a group of people fighting, Chu Yan sighed.Xiao Minghong shouted anxiously: "Daughter-in-law, listen to me, I really don't blame me for this matter!"

Before Xiao Minghong finished speaking, he was stopped by Lao Bai to go back. Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, without turning back, he went towards his presidential suite, and then the door was closed.

The aggrieved Xiao Minghong beat him, should he hit hard? These guys can be popular in Chu Yan's eyes. If they beat them up, will they make a small report on themselves?
Xiao Minghong and Shuanzi blocked and retreated all the way, Xiao Minghong was better, but Shuanzi still failed.Shuanzi chatted with the members of the Tianlonghui depressedly, thinking: I am just provoking someone!

So a group of people rushed to the downstairs hall.

Li Wei and Zhu Yin also hurriedly got down when they heard the movement, and when they saw Xiao Minghong and Lao Bai fighting, they also hurriedly came up.

Li Wei saw that Chief Xiao wanted to give in, so he stepped forward to help Lao Bai, but actually punched him and took his brother back a step, saying, "Old Bai, what's going on?"

Lao Bai is also a little angry, after all, he is the boss of his own family, and this person surnamed Xiao is a white-eyed wolf

"Boss said there is someone outside, look!" Lao Bai curled his lips, Li Wei and Zhu Yin instantly understood that Xiao Minghong's face still had unclean lipstick.

Li Wei coughed, then glanced at Xiao Minghong again, feeling a little sorry for Chief Xiao, after all, the source of this matter ultimately belongs to him, if he hadn't brought Xiao Minghong to drink, he wouldn't have hooked up with girls, and without leaving that damn lip mark, and afterward...

When Xiao Minghong saw Li Wei coming, he was immediately excited, as if seeing a savior, he hurriedly said: "Brother Li Wei, tell Lao Bai quickly, I really didn't..."

When Lao Bai heard that depressed, this guy had the guts to admit it.

"Mr. Xiao, although I, Lao Bai, am a fool, but if you know you are a man, you have to take responsibility. How dare you say you didn't do it?" After Lao Bai said this, Xiao Minghong became quiet and didn't speak any more.

Shuanzi finally understood what was going on, Shuanzi frowned, this is definitely not the head, after knowing Tou for so many years, Shuanzi could never believe that there was someone outside the head, but he looked at the lip marks on Xiao Minghong's face , and the evidence was conclusive, Shuanzi didn't want to cause trouble to his upper body, and wanted to hide away, but he thought of something, Shuanzi came over and whispered something to Xiao Minghong.

After hearing this, Xiao Minghong's expression became serious, and he raised his head to look around again. If he doesn't explain clearly, he probably won't see Chu Yan for some days.

Xiao Minghong's face was troubled, Li Wei also felt that it was not a good idea, seeing that Laobai and the others did not give up, so he came over and said: "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, please leave Tianlonghui."

What Li Wei meant was, you go first, the future will be long, and he will find a chance to tell Chu Yan.

Xiao Minghong was a little hesitant, so he decided to go forward and try again, Lao Bai became angry now, this guy really treats his brothers as nothing to eat.

"I will explain clearly to Chu Yan, and I would like to ask everyone to give me a little face." Chief Xiao is so old, he has never put down his airs like this.

Shuanzi looked at it, his eyes felt a little sore, he wiped it away from Xiao Minghong behind his back, Shuanzi's cell phone rang, and Shuanzi went out with the cellphone to answer the call.

Looking back, Xiao Minghong has already met Lao Bai and Li Wei.

This time, Zhu Yin didn't move at all, she was eating melon seeds at the front desk in a leisurely way, that leisurely...

Xiao Minghong fought off Lao Bai, and Li Wei joined him.

"Li Wei, you know I'm not that kind of person, let me see Chu Yan." Xiao Minghong said, breaking Li Wei's fist, and said.

Li Wei is more polite, Xiao Minghong can also understand. "Mr. Xiao, you go back first. When the boss calms down, I will find a chance to explain to her. Now that the boss is angry, it is useless to say anything."

Li Wei has seen Chu Yan get angry before, and he still wants to live for a few more years. Looking at Zhu Yin who is eating melon seeds at the front desk, he feels a little sad.

Xiao Minghong saw Lao Bai and the crowd rushing up again, Xiao Minghong had already retreated out of the door helplessly.

As soon as Shuanzi finished making the phone call, Xiao Minghong had already retreated from his side.

Shuan Zi grabbed Xiao Minghong with an anxious look on his face.

Xiao Minghong just woke up to what Shuanzi said just now, and his eyes instantly became serious.

Seeing Li Wei standing in front, Xiao Minghong took a step forward and said: "Li Wei, I will trouble you with this matter, I have something to do, I will come back after finishing it."

Xiao Minghong and Shuanzi were swept out of the house by the brothers of Tianlonghui just like that, Li Wei's eyes were a little heavy as he watched the two of them go away, and he stabbed Laobai with his elbow.

"This Chief Xiao is a big deal, and he doesn't even care about the boss!" Li Wei's words were inexplicable, and Lao Bai didn't understand, thinking that Xiao Minghong really had someone.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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