Chapter 50
Li Wei held back his curse, and said, "Old Bai, it's me, Li Wei."

Bai Sandao had a temper in his hand, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "What are you doing, isn't this your mobile phone?"

"Let's not talk nonsense with you, something happened in the Americas. Boss, Zhu Yin and I are in Houston's way!" Li Wei whispered, and carefully checked the movements around him.

When Lao Bai heard this, he immediately woke up.

"What do you mean? Where are you now? How is the boss?" Bai Sandao's series of inquiries made Li Wei frowned.

"I don't know where I am now. See if you can find the signal. Send someone over quickly." Li Wei said anxiously.

"Okay, I'll order someone to check right away." As he spoke, Bai Sandao called Ah San with his landline at home, asking Ah San to check Li Wei's signal at the moment.

"Old Bai, listen to me." Li Wei suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly made Lao Bai stop.

"Didn't Xiao Minghong go to the border area? According to the boss, Xiao Minghong may be in danger there, and the attack is likely to be Houston. If there is no Xiao Minghong to protect Z country, our Tianlong will play sooner or later." Finish."

After hearing Li Wei's words, Lao Bai stopped.

"Our people must have sneaked into Houston. You should pay more attention and don't touch Ah San for the time being. Nanfang Wendong will always watch over him. Don't let him leave. You go to Yunxiang!"

"Yunxiang? Isn't he..." Bai Sandao was a little suspicious. Isn't Yunxiang a note? How can I find him?

"The boss asked me to inform you. The newcomer Yun Xiang, the boss, naturally has a certain reason. You tell him to go to the border area to rescue Xiao Minghong, and you will go if necessary." Li Wei said methodically, his head seemed to have never Sober as now.

"Well, okay, I'll contact Yunxiang later, what should you do?" Bai Sandao said, now that the information is so developed, we can find out Li Wei's location, but Houston can't?

"You bring someone here, and I plan to go back again. Even if the boss and Zhu Yin leave from there, they will need someone to support them." Li Wei said to himself, not paying attention to the wake up of the person around him who was knocked unconscious by him. come over.

"That's all right, you wait for me. I'll be there as soon as possible." As soon as the old vernacular finished speaking, before Li Wei had time to reply, he was pinned to the ground by the awakened man, followed by a violent attack.

It turned out that the man who woke up picked up the awl and threw it at Li Wei.

Li Wei fell to the ground unexpectedly, snorted and turned away from the man.

But he didn't want that when the two were scuffling, the man deliberately touched the alarm bell, and Li Wei secretly screamed that it was broken.

When Bai Sandao heard the movement, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot fire.

"Li Wei, Li Wei, how are you?"

Li Wei had no choice but to use a ruthless hand. Taking advantage of the man's unguardedness, he strangled the man's neck until the man's struggle was exhausted before he let go. Li Wei changed the man's clothes, opened the hatch and took the man thrown into the sea.

"I'm fine, hurry up and make arrangements, and I will support you until you come." Li Wei said, in order to keep the signal uninterrupted, Li Wei put the phone in a remote place, but at the same time doing so is also dangerous, people in Houston It is also possible to find clues from this.

Soon, Ah San found out the result. Li Wei's place had just separated from America, and it was still a little north in the Western Pacific Ocean.

Lao Bai intends to warn Ah San that Tianlong Group has closed its doors to thank guests these few days, and ignores any provocations, including provocations from the Southern Wendonghui.

Xiao Minghong's accident had alarmed the old man, Shuanzi wanted to chase Chu Yan and the others to America, but the old man sent an order to tell Shuanzi where he could not go, and he could not tell Xiao Minghong about the Tianlonghui.

Because Chu Yan was in charge of most of Xiao's equity and capital transfers, after Tianlong Group announced that Emperor Tianyan would temporarily close, Xiao's also came under great control.

Mr. Xiao asked Xiao Ming to take care of the Xiao family for the time being, and went to the General Staff with Mr. Yun.Almost at the same time, Bai Sandao also contacted Yun Xiang on the phone.

"Old Bai, what's the matter?" Yun Xiang answered the phone and asked, after all, just now Yunfei City sent a letter asking him to go there quickly, but Yun Xiang couldn't figure it out, probably something happened to the General Staff.

At this moment, Yun Xiang received a call from Lao Bai, he hesitated for a while, but still answered.

"Yun Xiang, something happened to the boss, I want you to go to the border area quickly." Bai Sandao said concisely.

Yun Xiang was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood why the old man was looking for him.

While agreeing, Yun Xiang packed his things and went out.

For the past two days, he has been restless, not knowing what happened to Zhu Yin, Lao Bai called at this time, could something happen to Tianlong?I hope Zhu Yin will be fine.

Since Chu Yan said to let herself go to the side quickly, it means that Xiao Minghong's matter is more serious, so it is better to go there first, even the old man was alarmed, it seems that this matter is troublesome.

"Well, I'll go and inform the old man, I'll bring more people, you..." Yun Xiang wanted to ask how Zhu Yin was doing, but after thinking about it, it wasn't the right time, so he immediately asked, "How about you? "

"I'm fine for the time being. I'll ask Ah San to respond at the headquarters. If you have anything to do, you can tell Ah San directly. Li Wei is in danger at sea. I will take someone to rescue him first, and I will help the boss by the way."

When Yun Xiang heard it, it seemed that not only Xiao Minghong suffered a loss in the border area, but it was a trivial matter, the Heavenly Dragon Society was also controlled by others this time, and the only person who could control the Heavenly Dragon Society was that person, Bu Ruris' successor.

"Okay, I'll go right away. I'll contact Shuanzi and ask him to help you. He has someone in the military department who can help you." After speaking, Yun Xiang stopped talking and hung up the phone.

Lao Bai put down his cell phone, just woke up and hadn't put on his clothes yet, when he heard the knock on the door, he put on his underpants and went out.

Ah San stood at the door holding a pile of documents, with a serious expression on his face.

"We have found the exact location of Viagra, but we were obstructed during the investigation. It seems that someone is going to intercept Viagra." Ah San said, after all, Ah San is the newly-proposed hall master, so he still has no clue about it. Decide.

Lao Bai checked the file, glanced at it, and said, "Ah San, you stayed in Tianlonghui, shut down the Emperor's Feast, and gradually shut down all its properties. Don't worry about other people's provocations. Everything will be settled after the fall. What's the matter? Let Yunxiang meet you." As Bai Sandao said, Ah San was stunned.

Yunxiang?Isn't the Yunxiang that Laobai said was his previous hall master?

Ah San felt a little uneasy about it.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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