Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 59 Boss, Are You Out?

Chapter 59 Boss, Are You Out?
Chu Yan's guess was correct. After Houston knew that he had escaped, he hadn't considered this place.

Chu Yan quickly climbed up the wall, and jumped off the opposite side several times.

The people in Houston quickly grasped the situation.

Shuanzi had no way out and was gradually besieged by people.

Shuanzi didn't expect to walk up to the cliff without knowing it.

This is behind the Houston mansion, Shuanzi has no way to escape, and danger is imminent.

Houston appeared in front of Shuanzi, and when he saw Houston come out, he took a sip.


With cold eyes, Houston walked up to Shuanzi and asked, "Where is Xiao Minghong? Has Chu Yan been rescued by her?"

When Shuanzi heard this, he smiled.

It seems that Boss Chu has successfully escaped.

"Hmph, do you think I'll tell you?" Shuanzi took a step back, accidentally stepped on the sole of his foot, and almost fell.

The wind from the mountain stream is blowing, mixed with the sound of falling stones...

Shuan Zi felt cold, how high was this cliff, and there was no movement for a long time.

Suddenly there was a sound of water coming from behind, Shuan Zi was startled and smiled inwardly.

"Tell me, I don't have to kill you!" Houston then asked.

"Do you think I'll believe you? Hmph, Boss Chu will never like a scum like you, and you won't be able to beat us after all."

Shuanzi told the truth, and his colleagues also angered Houston. Houston grabbed Shuanzi's neck and walked out with a punch.

Shuan Zi was beaten to the ground, but he still stood up firmly. The blood from the corner of his mouth dripped down his neck, making Shuan Zi even more chilly.

"Hehe...I'm a ghost and I won't let you go." As Shuanzi vomited, blood came out, along with a tooth.

Shuanzi cursed inwardly, this Houston attack is really ruthless.

Seeing that Shuanzi was so blunt, a group of people gathered around at Houston's signal.

Shuan Zi was surrounded and beaten, seeing that he could not resist, Shuan Zi could only curl his head up to protect his vitals.

But this group of people were all Lianjiazi, they knew where the blow hurt, Shuanzi grinned in pain, but he refused to snort.

Seeing that Shuanzi was going to die, a group of people retreated.

"Don't tell me, otherwise I have plenty of ways to make your life worse than death!" Houston said viciously, thinking of Chu Yan in Xiao Minghong's arms at this moment, Houston couldn't contain his anger.

Chu Yan spat blood at Houston who was holding onto her neck, and said, "Haha, let me come if you have anything, I will be afraid of you!"

Shuan Zi was at the end of his strength, but he still refused to budge.

Houston was immediately blown up after spitting blood. No one has ever been so rude to Houston.

Houston kicked Shuan Shi angrily to the edge of the cliff, and Shuan Shi was kicked down just a little bit.

Shuan Zi moved back in some panic, then stood up forcefully.

Probably the wind was blowing a little bit hard, maybe Shuan Zi was beaten hard enough, his legs were trembling.

When Shuanzi raised his head, he was stunned, and dozens of guns were pointed at him.

"Since you don't say anything." Houston took a step back, the corners of his mouth curved, looking like a devil from hell. "Then go to hell!"

The moment everyone pulled the trigger, there was a bang, and the bolt fell straight into the cliff...

With a long cry, Houston took out a towel and wiped his blood-stained hands.

Chu Yan, you cannot escape!

Not long after Chu Yan went down the mountain, she realized that martial law was in place ahead.It seems that Houston found out the fact that he left.

Chu Yan saw a residential house at the foot of the mountain, so she found a place to hide in it.

Seeing that Shuan Zi had fallen off the cliff, Houston planned to immediately look for Chu Yan's trace.

As soon as I arrived at the main entrance, I found that the whole house was on fire.

Houston watched the fire grow bigger and bigger, remembering everything on the second floor, Houston roared like crazy.

"Fire, fire!" But the fire was so fast that nothing could stop it.

Houston watched helplessly as the second floor was burned to the point that only the wall frame remained and roared angrily.


Chu Yan, you hate me so much that you don't even leave me with your last thoughts?

You bear me so much, I will not let you go.

will not!

There was no one in the house that Chu Yan sneaked into, and time was running out. Chu Yan knew that this group of people would find this place sooner or later.

So he flipped through the host's clothes, put them on casually, found a pair of scissors, and cut off his hair with a click.

Chu Yan walked to the door and found the family's phone number, thinking of giving it a try, she dialed Lao Bai's number.

Lao Bai and Li Wei were on a ship at sea at the moment. As soon as the two arrived at the coast, they quickly rented a large cruise ship and drove it at a distance of several hundred nautical miles, and then put all the fighter jets on the freighter.

Before Lao Bai and Li Wei could catch their breath, suddenly Lao Bai's phone rang.

Lao Bai picked up the phone to check, it must be the embolism.

"Are you going to take it?" Lao Bai asked.

Li Wei frowned, and said: "It stands to reason that Shuanzi should have escaped as well. He said that he saw the boss. If he guessed correctly, the boss should have come out at this moment, but Shuanzi has not contacted me yet. Woolen cloth."

"That should be Shuanzi's. Even if they find it, it will take some time. If something happens to Shuanzi, we can take care of it." Lao Bai continued, answering the phone by the way.

"Old Bai, I'm Chu Yan!" After answering the phone, Chu Yan immediately revealed her identity.

"Boss!" Lao Bai was taken aback when he heard that.

Li Wei also turned his head, and immediately said: "Boss, have you come out yet?"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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