Chapter 6
"What's your name?" Li Wei asked.

"Xiao Minghong!"

Not a bad name. "You have a good name, who named it?"

"My father!"

Li Wei was depressed, he didn't have such a father, luckily his ancestor was not surnamed Yang...

"Today's mission, come here a few of you, and I will arrange it."

Xiao Minghong and several other boys surrounded him, each with a bag in his hand.

"Later, you all lurk in, find a few places where no one is around, and detonate this thing. It's best to destroy the foundation of this building. Be careful when looking for a place, and if you can't do it, retreat!" Li Wei looked at the brilliant sky in the distance. On the spot, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Xiao Minghong nodded, with a heavy look in his eyes, many innocent people in the building will inevitably be dragged into it, how to avoid it?
Xiao Minghong followed behind those people, what if he showed his feet?
Xiao Minghong found a place where no one was around and did not harm the foundation, so he had to detonate it first to attract the attention of the people in the building.

As soon as there was a sound from Xiao Minghong, the building exploded, and everyone started to run out, and then other places also exploded. Xiao Minghong and a few people quickly retreated back. Li Wei's van was nearby. Get in the car quickly and walk away.

As soon as Li Wei and the others left, the police arrived and the cordon was pulled up. Li Wei slapped his thigh and it was done.

Li Wei planned to notify Chu Yan first, so that the Axe Gang would have no time to find fault with the general manager's succession ceremony tomorrow.

Li Wei dialed the phone three times in a row, but Chu Yanna couldn't get through. Li Wei wondered what was going on.

Li Wei then called Zhu Yin, but Zhu Yin didn't get through, which was strange.

Li Wei thought about it, this is wrong.

It's true that Li checked the situation at night, why did he leave half an hour ago?The case in the Southern District is considered the largest industry of the Ax Gang here. If this is ignored, unless, unless... there is a bigger conspiracy, then it is...

Suddenly Li Wei's phone rang, Li Wei quickly answered it, it was Yun Xiang's.

"Li Wei, hurry up to find the boss, hurry up, Chu Wei has led someone back, I will take my brother to block it first, you go to the boss first, Zhu Yin has no news from the boss, I am worried..." Yun Xiang's voice Very urgent, bursts of gunshots came, and the sound of fighting was not small. It seemed that there was a tough battle to be fought.

"Okay, I'll go right away. By the way, be careful of the Ax Gang. Li Tou and his men have already passed by. You and Zhu Yin will stand up first."

Li Wei closed the phone and talked to Xiao Minghong in the car. "Little ones, your chance to stand out is here. Xiao Minghong, you and I will go back to the Chu Mansion. If you find the boss, you will take the boss away first. Do you hear me?"

Li Wei suspected the sound of the explosion just now, but there is no time to think about it now. Chu Wei must have colluded with the Ax Gang to go to the headquarters of the Dragon Club. The boss can withstand it first.

Tomorrow is the succession ceremony, and succeeding as the head of Tianlonghui means breaking up with Qin Aofeng.

Chu Yan poured a glass of red wine and drank it. The color of the red wine was still bewitching, but now she was not in the mood to taste it. Chu Yan downed it in one gulp, feeling bitter.

The door opened, and it was the person who had been thinking about it all day.

"You're here!" Chu Yan sighed, tomorrow is the succession ceremony, he will definitely come to ask himself.

"En, don't drink Chu Yan!" Qin Aofeng's tone was a little angry, and he grabbed the cup that Chu Yan continued to pour, and stuffed a pill into the cup where Chu Yan couldn't see it, and it melted in the water .

"Leave me alone!" Chu Yan snatched the cup backhand, and the cup was in Chu Yan's hand again. The color of the wine, printed with lights, hit Chu Yan's white hand, and Qin Aofeng couldn't stand it.

"Chu Yan, give up everything and come with me, okay? I don't want you to be so tired." Qin Aofeng said, taking a step forward, looking at Chu Yan. Qin Aofeng was really reluctant to part with Chu Yan, not only because he hadn't gotten it before. Chu Yan is more because Chu Yan is really attractive, with a beautiful face and graceful figure. Thinking about it, Qin Aofeng's whole body is feverish. Fortunately, Houston didn't compete with him for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan drank the red wine in the glass again, looked at the empty wine glass in her hand, and smiled.

"Qin Aofeng, may I ask you a question?" Chu Yan continued, a little drunk. "I've always wanted to ask you, what do you like about me? Why do you like me?"

Since you like me, why don't you support what I want to do?
"There is no reason to like someone!" Qin Aofeng wanted to say, your face, your body, and the roundness under Chu Yan's low-cut clothes, every inch of Chu Yan completely ignited Qin Aofeng's enthusiasm, and soon, Soon you will be mine, and you will be mine alone.


Chu Yan smiled wryly, but we should be over.

"I won't go with you, let's break up!" Chu Yan said seriously, love is important, but she also has her own responsibility.

"Why? Just because of the Tianlonghui? You really gave up on me for the Tianlonghui? Could it be that I have been wasting my efforts for the past two years?" Qin Aofeng's face twisted slightly. Soon, your Tianlonghui will be destroyed. In the future, There is only me in your world, only me.

"What do you mean?" Chu Yan felt that there was something in Qin Aofeng's words, so it was a waste of effort. Could it be that he had a purpose in contacting him?
Chu Yan regained consciousness all of a sudden, and looked at Qin Aofeng with questioning eyes.

Qin Aofeng smiled and moved closer.

"Yan, do you think it's very comfortable and warm here?" Qin Aofeng stroked Chu Yan's chest with his right hand, then rushed forward, and was about to kiss Chu Yan forcefully.

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, then grabbed Qin Aofeng's right hand and deleted it.

Qin Aofeng got angry and got into a fight with Chu Yan.

Chu Yan dodged and dodged, a little dizzy, probably really drank a little too much, turned around, and sat back on the chair.

Is this drunk?His whole body was so hot that looking at Qin Aofeng in front of him, he felt a little dizzy.

what happened?When did my drinking capacity become so bad?
Is it?

"Qin Aofeng, you actually drugged me!" Chu Yan furiously passed the wine glass on the table, sniffed it, and then Chu Yan's face changed.

"Yan, if you had followed me long ago, why would I bother to use this method!" Qin Aofeng laughed loudly, and then said, "Yan, listen to me and leave with me, and I will love you well in the future!"

Suddenly there were several gunshots outside, Chu Yan woke up with a start, this is...

What happened outside, could it be...

"Chu Wei has led people to take down the headquarters of the Double Dragon Club, and Li Tou has also led people to kill the Double Dragon Club. If I hadn't stopped you just now, do you think you can still talk to me properly?" Qin Aofeng clapped his hands and walked away In front of Chu Yan, Chu Yan couldn't help it, Gou Zi's little brother had already stood up.

Chu Yan was shocked, Tianlonghui has been taken down?How could they know about the deployment of these two days? By the way, Chu Yan never concealed anything from Qin Aofeng, so his father's death?

"How did my father die?" Chu Yan felt that she couldn't move, and her whole body was uncomfortable. Seeing Qin Aofeng approaching step by step, her eyes followed Xiao Leng, and she looked rather cold.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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