Chapter 61

Li Wei seemed to realize something, and when he let go of his hand, the speedboat slowed down a little and almost capsized.

Li Wei's eyes were red, but Chu Yan escaped after a narrow escape. Li Wei was in great pain in his heart, but he couldn't blame anyone but himself for not being able to rescue Zhu Yin and the boss.

Chu Yan was startled, and hurriedly turned the steering wheel in Li Wei's hand, and Li Wei realized that he had lost his composure just now.

Suddenly there was a gunshot, and Li Wei and Chu Yan woke up instantly.

Li Wei and Chu Yan hurriedly lowered their heads, Li Wei turned his head and looked behind, unexpectedly, there were dozens of speedboats coming towards them in the dark.

Seeing that a siege has formed around them.

Chu Yan also saw the situation behind through the rearview mirror, and immediately kicked Li Wei.

"Go aside for my old lady, you want to avenge Zhu Yin and kill all those sons of bitches behind you, do you hear me!" Chu Yan said, driving the speedboat to the maximum.

Hearing what Chu Yan said, Li Wei immediately let go of all his previous emotions, but Chu Yan didn't expect Li Wei to pull out a submachine gun from the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, all the speedboats of Tianlonghui in the surrounding area also set up sniper rifles like Li Wei.

Li Wei gave an order, followed by a hail of bullets on the sea.

The strafing of the sniper rifles really boosted the speed of the rear speedboats, and several of the speedboats that died after shooting capsized directly because they had no driver.

Li Wei shot furiously, wishing to kill all the people behind him immediately.

Chu Yan was in control of the speedboat in front, with a complete attitude of recklessness, rushing on the sea, a group of people passed by, and the splash was more than three feet high.

"Boss, drive in the northeast direction. Where is our freighter?" Seeing that Chu Yan was only driving hard, Li Wei reminded Chu Yan that he might drive in the wrong direction.

Chu Yan understood. Chu Yan, who was driving due east, quickly changed direction.

Because of Li Wei's sniper attack, the people in Houston instantly distanced themselves.

Seeing that Chu Yan and his party were drifting away, Houston was furious and roared.

"Why hasn't our fighter plane arrived yet?"

When the subordinate next to him heard it, he said, "The fighter plane is not at the pier, it will take some time to come here."

Soon, Chu Yan's speedboat approached the freighter.

Bai Sandao quickly opened the back cabin, allowing Chu Yan and the others to jump up directly. They didn't even care about the speedboat, and they quickly headed for the deck.

From the deck, the speedboats that could be seen in the distance all lined up in front of the freighter.

Lao Bai smiled at the corner of his mouth, and immediately ordered his subordinates to unleash a sniper cannon and shoot towards the speedboats.

The speedboat itself ran fast, and the sniper cannon was not accurate, but it caused huge waves on the sea.

The entire sea became rough, and within a short while, everyone in Houston was turned upside down.

Only then did Lao Bai turn his head to meet Chu Yan and Li Wei who were coming up.

"Boss!" Lao Bai's life made Chu Yan feel more at ease. When he looked up, he saw dozens of fighter planes on the front deck.

Chu Yan nodded to everyone.

"Brothers, follow me to kill, and when we return someday, we will bloodbath the Bruce family, the order of Tianlong to kill, Houston, never die!"

After Chu Yan finished speaking, she boarded a fighter plane with Li Wei and Lao Bai first.

The moment the fighter plane just took off, there was noise in the rear.

Chu Yan turned her head to look, but she didn't expect Houston to call up the fighter.

Chu Yan hurriedly connected the crowd and said, "Get out!"

A scene of bloody killing was staged over the vast ocean. There was no bloody blade, but it was extremely cruel.

Seeing that they couldn't hide, some brothers from the Tianlonghui gathered in front of Chu Yan with their fighter planes.

Seeing the brother in front of him doing this, Chu Yan's eyes became moist, and the always strong Chu Yan actually cried.

Seeing everyone like this, Li Wei immediately said: "Boss, hurry up, I will break up with Lao Bai."

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment, no, she can't leave, she can't leave her brother here to fight, Chu Yan can't do it.

There are not many local fighters, but the equipment seems to be much more advanced than that of Chu Yan and the others.

The people of Tianlonghui retreated steadily, and two planes have been shot down.

Seeing that another plane was shot down, when Chu Yan was furious and wanted to fight, Lao Bai's fighter plane blocked Chu Yan.

"Boss, hurry up, Tianlong Society still needs you, and Chief Xiao is still alive and dead, we...we can't waste our time here." Lao Bai said, still shooting the fighter plane in front of him continuously.

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, what?
Xiao Minghong's life and death are uncertain, how could that Shuanzi appear here?

Chu Yan panicked, thinking of what Huston said, it is possible that Xiao Minghong really fell into Huston's hands.


No, if this is the case, Houston can definitely use Xiao Minghong to threaten him, why would he go after him with all his strength now.

In this way, Xiao Minghong must have gone to something, but neither Huston nor Shuanzi knew.

Yes, it must be so.

Chu Yan understood clearly, and had doubts in her heart.

Li Wei was beaten quite badly there, so he hurriedly said, "Boss, keep Qingshan here, I'm not afraid that we won't kill this group of sons of bitches, let's get out."

When Li Wei said this, the two brothers from Qinglongtang behind drove their fighter planes and rammed straight into the opponent's fighter plane.

The fighters in the rear did not expect the people of Tianlonghui to be so desperate.

If they were fighting for equipment, they really wouldn't be afraid, but this group of people drove towards them desperately.

There was only a bang in the air, because the fighter planes were connected, the air fighter plane was blown to pieces, and huge sparks collided with each other to form a huge mushroom cloud over the sea.

The fighter planes in the local area practiced and retreated, and there were only three fighter planes left. It was true that they could not beat the ten fighter planes of the Tianlonghui.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan gave an order: "Everyone listen to the order and fire the cannon together!"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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