Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 67 Daughter-in-law is for pain

Chapter 67 Daughter-in-law is for pain

Looking around, there are only four or five brothers who came together, Li Wei and Lao Bai are still there struggling to support, Xiao Minghong's people have just been baptized on the battlefield, and they are already unable to do what they want at the moment.

When Xiao Minghong heard Houston's words, he endured the pain and climbed up, trying to block Chu Yan behind him, but he couldn't hold back Chu Yan, so he just looked up at Houston.

In an instant, the surrounding air became even colder, and there was a chilling atmosphere everywhere. Because of the shooting just now, there were bloodstains everywhere, and the snow melted, making it a mess.

"Hmph, Houston, you lost!" Xiao Minghong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said softly.

No, he didn't lose, and Chu Yan was already his.

"You don't need to provoke me, you are dead, Chu Yan is mine." Houston said stubbornly, and pulled the trigger along the way.

Chu Yan became nervous when she heard the sound of the trigger being pulled.

Chu Yan also knew that her threat was completely useless, Chu Yan seemed to have thought of something, raised the protection in her hand, and pointed it at herself.

Seeing Chu Yan's action, Houston tensed up and prepared himself, but he didn't expect Chu Yan to point the guy at him.

"Houston, don't you want me? What if I die?" Chu Yan said, his eyes were piercing, Xiao Minghong was stunned, he was about to stop Xiao Minghong, but Chu Yan pushed him out.

Chu Yan stood up facing Houston.

Houston's hands trembled. Looking at such a handsome face, Houston had nothing to do.

Chu Yan actually used herself as a threat for this man...

But so what, did she just give up? Houston knew what kind of person she was, and now...

Seeing that Houston was still hesitant, Chu Yan took a step forward, and then said: "Houston, from now on, I will not beg you, and you are not my friend, Xiao Minghong, you can kill if you want, but if you kill At the same time, I, Chu Yan, will also cut myself off here."

As Chu Yan said, she lowered her head and glanced at Xiao Minghong. Xiao Minghong's body was covered with blood, and there was a dawn in the east, imprinted with dazzling snow color, very dazzling.

Chu Yan looked up at Houston again, her eyes still determined.

"I, Chu Yan, was born as Xiao Minghong's man, and died as Xiao Minghong's ghost."

As soon as Chu Yan said this, Xiao Minghong was stunned. This was the first time Chu Yan said such a thing, and he said it so confidently. Xiao Minghong seemed to think that these two shots were worth it. Take a few shots yourself.

Houston was also taken aback, and then his hands trembled.

Houston stared blankly at Chu Yan for a while, then smiled.

Without the arrogance and wantonness of the past, there is only a touch of bitterness left.

Houston let go, and the gun dropped from his hand, but he still didn't move.

Chu Yan was taken aback, and then took a step back, not sure if Houston had any other plans.

Xiao Minghong raised his head to look at Houston, and suddenly understood Houston's mood very well.

Back then, when Chu Yan was devoted to Qin Aofeng, she felt the same way.

Suddenly thought of something, Xiao Minghong's heart was full of sweetness, Fang wanted to stand up and take the gun from Chu Yan's hand, for fear that Chu Yan accidentally wiped the gun and let it go off.

Xiao Minghong actually wanted to delete himself, but remembering the original oath, he was able to force Chu Yan to such a degree, which was enough to show his incompetence.

A daughter-in-law is for pain, but now, she has suffered so much.

Xiao Minghong tried his best but still couldn't get up, but fell down all of a sudden.

Chu Yan had already seen Xiao Minghong fell down, turned around hurriedly, and hugged Xiao Minghong in her arms.

Xiao Minghong seemed to be unable to bear it, and spit out another mouthful of blood, which happened to be on Chu Yan's chest. The bright red blood stained Chu Yan's snow-white skin, and Chu Yan was so startled that he lost his mind.

No, no, how could this be?
Fang recalled that Xiao Minghong had been shot by Houston in the back, it seemed to be... a vital point...

"Xiao...Xiao bastard...fool!"

Chu Yan scolded Xiao Minghong fiercely, feeling that the back that was holding Xiao Minghong was hot and humid, when she raised her hand, it was covered with blood, Chu Yan panicked.

"I won't let you die, did you hear that!"

Chu Yan roared loudly, her eyes became moist at some point, and she couldn't stop streaming down.

Lao Bai and Li Wei heard it, Houston waved his hand, and all the gunfire stopped.

If it weren't for the mess, it would seem that the shooting just now had never happened.

Houston looked at Chu Yan who was flustered and unreasonable on the ground, and couldn't help feeling sad.

He had never seen such a gaffe of Chu Yan, even if he killed Zhu Yin, imprisoned her and humiliated her, he had never seen her lose her composure.

If without Zhu Yin, Chu Yan still had a reason to turn against her for revenge, but now, Chu Yan seemed to have lost her soul, as if there was nothing in this world that Chu Yan could care about.

Houston frowned.

Why have you fought for so long?Why did Xiao Minghong die and feel more depressed and panicked?

Obviously he was about to get Chu Yan, but now he felt that he was even further away from her?
Houston took a staggering step back, what did he do?
Xiao Minghong wanted to raise his hand to wipe Chu Yan's tears, but his body seemed to have no strength, and he couldn't lift it up no matter what.

Although Xiao Minghong wanted Chu Yan to shed tears for himself, but the tears fell too much, Xiao Minghong felt uncomfortable.

This is not what Xiao Minghong wants, Xiao Minghong still hopes, this woman looks at him domineeringly, with a smile on her mouth, only herself in her heart.

This is enough, or is it too greedy?
Seeing Xiao Minghong's smile, Chu Yan's heart shrank slightly, wondering what he meant.

"Don't cry, daughter-in-law... I... love you!" After Xiao Minghong finished speaking, he coughed violently, and immediately after that, blood flowed like he didn't want money.

Chu Yan didn't know where the strength came from, and she carried Xiao Minghong on her back.When he looked up, he happened to see Houston standing in front of him.

The hatred in Chu Yan's eyes was not concealed at all, and she looked at Houston viciously.

"If he has anything, I will definitely wash you Bruce with blood, even if I give everything I have, I will kill you even if it is far away." After Chu Yan finished speaking, she quickly led Xiao Minghong past Houston.

Seeing Chu Yan walking over with Xiao Minghong, the people in Houston hurriedly raised their guns.

Lao Bai and Li Wei were taken aback. If Houston gave the order, they were ready to protect the boss to leave even if they died.

Chu Yan raised her head. It's not like the people around didn't hear what she said just now. Although they pointed a gun at Chu Yan, they felt chills from the bottom of their hearts.

What kind of woman is this? Everyone seems to smell the breath of death. Those eyes, like looking at a dead person, are full of bloodthirsty killing intent.

Everyone took a step back, but Houston didn't give an order, and everyone's hands shook.

When Houston missed Chu Yan, the hand that was tightly clenched was loosened at this moment. He raised his hand and waved at the crowd, knowing everything, and put down the things.

Chu Yan didn't speak, but quickly left with Xiao Minghong, there is still a certain distance from the position of the fighter plane, Xiao Minghong, you must hold on.

"Xiao Minghong, I still have a lot to say to you, don't sleep, do you hear me!" Chu Yan said at the front, Li Wei and Lao Bai followed behind, Tianlonghui had four or five brothers, and Xiao Ming Hong's people are cut off.

"Li Wei, Lao Bai, you guys go first, bring the fighter over here, hurry up!" Chu Yan said, and she didn't have the idea of ​​using a fake hand on others. Along the way, Chu Yan carried Xiao Minghong on her back to prevent Xiao Minghong from fainting. talking to Xiao Minghong.

Chu Yan's body was covered with blood, and her eyes were also blood red.

When Li Wei and Bai Sandao heard this, they immediately responded, the motors were fully turned on, and they quickly moved in the direction of the fighter plane.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Wei and Bai Sandao took the lead to fly there with the fighter plane. Li Wei assisted Chu Yan to lift Xiao Minghong onto the fighter plane. Chu Yan asked Li Wei to help Xiao Minghong, and took a deep look at Xiao Minghong. , turned and jumped into the cockpit.

Chu Yan went crazy and drove the fighter plane to the maximum speed, and Li Wei was taken aback. Seeing the boss's desperate way of firing, will he advance...

Li Wei looked at Chu Yan in front of him in fear, the boss really cared this time.If it is said that before, the boss has never seen Chu Yan get angry and fight fiercely, but he has never been like this one now.

Fang remembered what the boss said to Houston before leaving, if Chief Xiao is really gone...

Li Wei suddenly shuddered, he didn't dare to think about it anymore, he could only pray that Chief Xiao would not hang up.

If not, the boss will go crazy!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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