Chapter 76
Houston froze for a moment, and dodged Chu Yan's gun, but he also noticed that several times in a row, Li Wei would block Li Wei against the wall. Let Houston can't even take care of it.

Houston was caught off guard, and the dagger plunged into Houston's arm.

Houston's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed Li Wei's arm with his backhand. With a click, Li Wei's arm was dislocated.

Li Wei grunted in pain, and was pushed out by Houston with a punch. The moment he pushed out, the dagger that fell on the ground was kicked in Chu Yan's direction.

Chu Yan took the dagger, rolled on the spot, and shot out directly with the dagger, hitting Houston's chest.

Houston was taken aback for a moment, and then Bai Sandao kicked twice in a row, kicking Houston onto the deck.

All the brothers directly picked up the guy and aimed at Houston.

Houston fell to the deck in embarrassment, and his whole body twitched on the ground in embarrassment.

Chu Yan raised her dick and pointed it at Houston.

"Houston, that day, when I left here, I said to myself that I will definitely come back someday to avenge my dead brothers from the Dragon Society."

As she said that, Chu Yan shot Houston.

Houston snorted, but didn't call out.

Houston laughed, which was not expected.

Her handsome face has long grown into a towering tree. Now, how about taking the entire Bruce family as a dowry?

Chu Yan seemed to see that day, the brothers rushed to the place to save their lives. Chu Yan seemed to see that Zhu Yin did not hesitate to use himself as a lure to make him escape, and died tragically. Chu Yan seemed to see, On the snowy ground in the northern district, all the little brothers fought to the death, just for Chu Yan to survive...

"Are you laughing? How familiar is this scene?" Chu Yan snorted coldly, and continued: "This shot was for him. You keep saying you love me. Is this your love? Killing what I love will hurt me." My dearest relative?"

Chu Yan shot down, but Houston was in pain.

Yes, he pursued for most of his life, but he was not her love after all, and he killed her love in order to become her love, hehe, I heard that he is still lying in the hospital, unconscious.

Houston sneered. "What I can't get in Houston, no one can get it, hahaha..."

Hearing his words, Chu Yan was not angry, but felt sorry for him.

"Actually, you don't know what love is at all. I didn't know it before. If it weren't for you, I still don't understand it." Chu Yan said a little shyly, her voice was full of expectation, love, and a kind of love that Houston never had. The taste I have seen.

That's a unique expression that can only be shown to the person you love.

Houston felt a pain in his chest, even if he wanted to get it all his life, he would never get it.

"Hehe, is that right, Chu Yan... do you really think so?" Houston asked, because he couldn't stand the force of the gun, he coughed violently. guy.

Chu Yan was startled, did not speak, but pulled the trigger again.

"Chu Yan, I got you after all. If your love for him is true, if he knows that you are already mine, what will he do? Will he still love you as always?"

Houston's words tore open Chu Yan's wound like a knife.

Chu Yan's expression became serious, and so did Li Wei and Bai Sandao present. What does this bastard mean?
Li Wei frowned, and suddenly remembered Yan Tianfei's expression on checking Chu Yan's body, could it be...

"You bastard!" Li Wei thought of this, immediately grabbed Houston's clothes, and punched him.

"Stop!" Chu Yan stopped Li Wei.

What Houston said was true.

Chu Yan frowned tightly, if Xiao Minghong really found out, would he still treat herself as well as before?
Since when did Chu Yan become so timid, she clearly planned it out...

Chu Yan stepped forward and shot Houston on the forehead.

"I didn't intend to let him know that this shot was for myself, I just pretended that I had never met you before!"

never met...

Houston looked at the blue sky in a daze, as if he had seen that holiday, he and Qin Aofeng took Chu Yan to the sea to play, and the majesty came, blowing Chu Yan's hair...

Die at your hands, is also happy!
Chu Yan pulled the trigger, only to hear a bang, Houston slowly reached the end, closing his eyes with endless hopelessness.

Chu Yan was shocked, what happened?He didn't shoot himself, how could he?
As soon as Chu Yan turned her head, with just one look, tears were streaming down her face.

Chu Yan seemed to have seen hallucinations, and thought about it for a long time, he smiled happily, smiled slightly, smiled rascally, smiled indulgently...

I fantasized about how I would look when I could see him, but I didn't want to turn around and just appear in front of Chu Yan.

So caught off guard, as if it had gone through centuries, but it finally arrived.

The gun in Chu Yan's hand dropped, and she stretched out tremblingly.

Chu Yan was a little scared, afraid that if she stretched out her hand, all fantasies, like bubbles, would disappear soon.

Sure enough, when Chu Yan stretched out his hand, that bastard Xiao Minghong fainted again in disappointment. It wasn't until Yan Tianfei ran over non-stop that Chu Yan could see clearly that the guy in front of him was indeed Xiao Ming. Hong.

Chu Yan cried and laughed for a while before she took a good look at Xiao Minghong.

I no longer have anyone to shave him, what a scumbag.

I lost weight again, and I feel a little flustered, and I have to take good care of it later.

Obviously injured so badly, what can I do, I'm not doing well...

Seeing the boss, Li Wei and Bai Sandao cried and laughed at the same time, they just wanted to say that the boss was really dazed.

Chu Yan hugged the fainted Xiao Minghong in her arms, and watched with a foolish smile.

Li Wei hummed in a low voice: "Is this the hero saving the beauty, or the beauty saving the hero?"

Chu Yan ignored it, what Yan Tianfei meant was that he had been looking for him since he woke up, and when he learned that he was coming to America, he begged Yan Tianfei to bring him here, and he came here on a stretcher.

Chu Yan frowned, how did they know they were here?
Chu Yan suddenly thought of something. Didn't he hear what Houston said just now?
Chu Yan felt a beating in her heart. How would he... think of himself...

Looking at the fainted Xiao Minghong, he was careful not to touch his wound, and kept asking Yan Tianfei, this bastard would not sleep again.

Li Wei looked at Houston on the ground, and asked Chu Yan, "Boss, what should we do with this guy?"

Chu Yan was in no mood to care about other things now, so she yelled directly.

"Throw it into the sea and feed it to the sharks!"

Li Wei thumped, suddenly thought of something, asked a few brothers to come over, lifted them up and threw them into the sea.

There was a ripple on the surface of the sea. It seemed that no one expected that the heir of the dignified Bruce family would die here and be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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