Domineering black-bellied mad wife

Chapter 80 Big Brother Xiao, Something Happened to Grandpa Xiao Soon

Chapter 80 Big Brother Xiao, Something Happened to Grandpa Xiao Soon

Chu Yan shook her head calmly, trying to suppress this matter.

She looked up at Yan Tianfei and Li Wei, their expressions were unnatural.

Yan Tianfei frowned tightly, the matter of Chu Yan seemed to be unstoppable, it would be good to let Xiao Minghong know now, probably only Xiao Minghong could persuade the boss about the child's fate.

"How is it possible, I ate something smelly this morning, and you just now..." Chu Yan was a little bit at a loss for words, but at this moment, what happened to her, she absolutely couldn't say it.

Xiao Minghong wanted to ask something else, but seeing Chu Yan's resolute expression, he couldn't say anything more, but he had already decided to take her to the hospital for a checkup in two days.

Mr. Xiao frowned, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, but looking at that girl Chu Yan, she seemed to have gained a little weight recently.

Chu Yan regained her composure, stood up straight, and said, "I was not feeling well just now, so please don't be offended. There is a grand feast at the Emperor's Heaven Banquet today. Chu Yan is here to thank all the guests, and everyone can do whatever they want next."

Hearing what Chu Yan said, the surroundings began to discuss again, and there was a live media broadcast on the side.

"Chairman Chu of the Tianlong Group and Xiao Minghong, the young master of the Xiao Group, are already married, but they don't want that when the two of them kiss, Chairman Chu is in danger of vomiting, which seems to be a sign of pregnancy..."

In short, Chu Yan became famous.

It was late at night, and after throwing out the little bastards making trouble in the bridal chamber, Uncle Xiao was also paralyzed from exhaustion.

Chu Yan poured a glass of water for Xiao Minghong, and just placed it in front of Xiao Minghong, but was pulled over by Xiao Minghong.

"Little Yan!"

Chu Yan responded.

"Little Yan!"

Chu Yan responded again.

"Little Yan!"

Chu Yan jumped up at the temples, turned her head, and was about to speak when Xiao Minghong stabilized her.

Chu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then kissed her back.

Xiao Minghong waited for a day, and finally succeeded in getting his wife home. Unknowingly, Xiao Minghong stroked Chu Yan's waist.

Xiao Minghong gently rubbed Chu Yan's stomach, and smiled!
Chu Yan felt something was wrong, what happened to him?
"Xiaoyan, I love you!" Suddenly Xiao Minghong said, making Chu Yan stunned
These bastards belong to old couples, so they don't even say that.

"Come on, don't forget our three chapters of the covenant, hum!"

Xiao Minghongfang remembered what he said when he snatched the marriage, and now he was slapped in the face.

But all his belongings were used to give red envelopes to the brothers of Tianlonghui, and all his property had been transferred to Chu Yan's name, he was really poor and useless.

Xiao Minghong said with a weeping face: "Daughter-in-law, don't tell me that being a husband is in your heart, and you still don't have that hundred flowers ticket."

Chu Yan opened her mouth and laughed, hugged Xiao Minghong in her arms and comforted him: "Hehe, you are right!"

In order to prove his practical value, Xiao Minghong planned to fight bravely tonight to avenge his shame.

Xiao Minghong picked up Chu Yan, took a breath with difficulty, and walked towards the bedroom.

Gently put Chu Yan on the bed, pressing Chu Yan under her body.

Chu Yan was wearing a discreet tuxedo, and the deep V on her chest showed Chu Yan's beautiful figure.

Xiao Minghong kissed Chu Yan's hair lightly, and put his hand into Chu Yan's clothes.

Just as the two were kissing passionately, there was a long series of knocks on the door.

Chu Yan was so shocked that she almost kicked Xiao Minghong off the bed again.

This appearance is really embarrassing, she doesn't want to be seen by others.

Xiao Minghong was a little impatient, who is so annoying, don't you know that tonight is Uncle Xiao's wedding ceremony?
Xiao Minghong didn't want to pay attention, and said softly to Chu Yan: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry about him, that bastard Dahui on time, let's continue!"

As he said that, Xiao Minghong wanted to kiss again, and the knocking on the door started again, with such relentless force that it seemed as if he wanted to remove the door.

Chu Yan was stunned, it seemed that something was wrong, even if they wanted to make trouble, they shouldn't be so troublesome, the people of Tianlonghui would definitely not be so polite, if they were, they would have let go of their impulse long ago.

Chu Yan kicked Xiao Minghong off the bed, and said loudly: "Don't open the door yet."

With that said, Chu Yan quickly got up and put on her clothes.

Xiao Minghong opened the door with resentment on his face, but he didn't expect that it was Yun Qing who opened the door.

Hey, why is it her?She didn't come home, where is Xiao Mingda?

"Young girl Yun, what's the matter?" Xiao Minghong's expression improved slightly.

Yun Qing seemed to be running in a bit of a hurry, and was still panting heavily. He had been knocking on the door just now, but the door suddenly opened, almost crashing into Xiao Minghong's arms.

"Brother Xiao, hurry up... something happened to Grandpa Xiao!"

Xiao Minghong was taken aback, what's going on?

Chu Yan also came over when she heard Yun Qing's voice.

"What's going on?" Xiao Minghong nodded to Chu Yan, and the two followed Yun Qing and hurried out.

Yun Qing said as he walked: "Grandpa Xiao drank too much at the banquet, and he vomited as soon as he came back, and he vomited a lot of blood. He was frightened and went to the hospital with his aunt and uncle Xiao. He asked me to come. inform you."

Chu Yan was startled, how could it be possible that the old man is so strong?

When Xiao Minghong heard it, his face panicked, Chu Yan came over and grabbed Xiao Minghong's hand, comforting him wordlessly, and the three of them quickly went to the hospital.

At the door of the rescue room, Shui Yixin and Xiao Ru were sitting on the chairs next to them decadently, while Xiao Mingyu was walking back and forth on the side.

Xiao Minghong stopped when he saw Xiao Minghong and Chu Yan approaching.

"How is the old man?" Xiao Minghong asked.

Xiao Mingyu shook his head, the lights in the operating room were still on, and Shui Yixin had tears in the corners of his eyes.

Chu Yan was also depressed and uncomfortable. The smell of this disinfectant made Chu Yan feel a little nauseous.

Chu Yan suppressed it, understood Xiao Minghong's mood, and silently accompanied him.

Two hours passed, and the old man still hasn't come out.

Everyone's complexion was not good, and Yun Qing was also sobbing. Mr. Xiao had always been very kind to Yun Qing, and seeing Mr. Xiao vomit blood was frightened.

The Yun family also got the news.

Yunfei City heard that the old man went to the hospital and was called for emergency treatment, so he couldn't sit still.

He was fine when he left just now, how can he fall down when he fell down?

"Where's my old buddy?" Old Master Yun asked tremblingly when he arrived.

At the beginning, Yunfei City and Xiao Zhentian were young and energetic, and they shared the same spirit. They fought on the battlefield together, made achievements together, and guarded this great river and mountain together. But now, half of their legs have been stretched into the coffin. Yun Lao also burst into tears.

Suddenly, the lights in the operating room went out, and everyone woke up suddenly.

The hospital was so quiet in the middle of the night that people couldn't help being terrified.

Xiao Minghong hurriedly stepped forward to meet the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my grandfather doing now?"

The doctor smiled slightly and said, "The operation was successful, but..."

The doctor was a little hesitant to say what to say next.But do not say, this is what will happen later.

"But what, just say it straight!" Xiao Minghong continued, but his voice was trembling at the moment.

The doctor nodded, and continued: "The patient has advanced liver cancer, and his life is not in danger for the time being, but the patient should have been injured in the early years, and he became angry a while ago, and he drank too much alcohol recently, which made the situation worse."

The meaning of the doctor is very clear.

Mr. Xiao's time is running out, so let's have a good life, because he is old after all.

After everyone heard it, their hearts that had been let go were suspended again.

What does the doctor mean, time is running out?
This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

(End of this chapter)

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