Chapter 165
Chapter 165
"This island can be abandoned." Lin Feng said: "I don't think there is any need to send troops to guard it."

"The last general also thinks so." Hu Ruowu said: "And this island also lacks water. Although it is relatively close to the land, there is still no need to garrison it."

"Then tell the soldiers to clean up the battlefield quickly, and then we will evacuate." Lin Feng gave the order directly, and then turned back to the boat.

The soldiers quickly cleaned the battlefield, and then quickly moved all the valuable things on the island to the warship, and the ship was ready to return.

"My lord, there is one more thing to do at the end." Suddenly, Huang Chunsheng found Lin Feng and said to him.

"General Huang, please tell me anything." Lin Feng said.

"My lord, at the end of the day, I want to... want to return the body of Master Xu and bury him personally. Please do so." Huang Chunsheng knelt down as he said.

Hurrying to help Huang Chunsheng up, Lin Feng said: "It's not a big deal, the governor promised you." Lin Feng readily agreed.

"Thank you, my lord." Huang Chunsheng said: "This time, I am sorry for Mr. Xu. Burying him is the last thing I can do."

"General Huang is also eliminating the hidden dangers of pirates for the imperial court. From this point of view, General Huang is serving the country." Lin Feng said: "Standing on the side of justice, General Huang, you don't need to blame yourself."

"Thank you, my lord." After thanking Lin Feng again, Huang Chunsheng said, "My lord, please take back the ill-gotten gains left on Horseshoe Island. These shouldn't belong to me in the first place."

"This..." Lin Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect Huang Chunsheng to hand over the money.

"My lord, these are ill-gotten gains. Now the general has figured it out. After half his life doing bad things, he should accumulate some virtue for his grandparents." Huang Chunsheng said, "Let your lord dispose of these property."

"Then the governor thanked General Huang." Lin Feng said: "General Huang, don't worry, the governor will definitely use the money properly."

"In that case, thank you sir." Huang Chunsheng said.

Because they wanted to get the money that Huang Chunsheng left on Horseshoe Island, Lin Feng and the others had to turn around and head towards Horseshoe Island.Let the other fleet go back first, only Lin Feng's lucky boat headed for Horseshoe Island.

There is Lin Feng's garrison on Horseshoe Island, so Lin Feng is not worried about anything.Not to mention worrying about the disappearance of the money that Huang Chunsheng on Horseshoe Island hid.

The lucky boat soon arrived at Horseshoe Island. General Sun, Hu Ruowu's deputy, saw Lin Feng's banner and hurriedly led a team to greet him at the port.

"The final general will see the governor." General Sun said quickly.

"General Sun has worked hard." Lin Feng said: "These days, General Sun is stationed on the isolated island, and the governor will never forget the credit of General Sun."

"Thank you, my lord, these are what the last general should do." General Sun said to Lin Feng.

Led by Huang Chunsheng, Lin Feng and the others headed towards the place where Huang Chunsheng put his belongings.

Looking at such a hidden place, Lin Feng said, "No wonder we couldn't find it."

"The last general also discovered it by accident." Huang Chunsheng said: "At that time, the last general thought that this is a good place."

"It's a good place." Lin Feng said.Just imagine, in the depths of this well, there is a hole in the sky. I don't know who dug such a tunnel.

"General Huang, do you know where this tunnel leads to?" Lin Feng asked.Since someone dug a deep tunnel here, there must be a reason. Of course, the specific reason is unknown.

Shaking his head, Huang Chunsheng said: "The general also wanted to see what happened, but the tunnel seemed to have no end, and there was no end to it, so the general gave up."

"It seems that there must be another mystery here." Lin Feng said: "Choose a time, let's go down and take a look." The reason why he didn't go to see it this time is because Lin Feng was also a little tired, and he didn't have enough preparations. It's dangerous to go on like this rashly.The second reason is that Lin Feng also wanted to take out the money as soon as possible, so as to make his money more comfortable.

Under the leadership of Huang Chunsheng, several strong soldiers went down to the bottom of the well along the rope, and then followed Huang Chunsheng to move boxes of belongings to the entrance of the cave, tied them with ropes, and let the people above pull them up.

Looking at the five big boxes on the ground, Lin Feng couldn't even close his mouth with joy.How much is this worth?
"General Huang, I didn't expect you to accumulate so many valuable things?" Lin Feng said a little excitedly.

With a smile, Huang Chunsheng said: "Your Excellency, I am laughing at you. The merchant ships on this sea are not very rich. As long as we can seize one, we will have no worries about food and drink for at least half a year. Besides, there are many merchant ships on the sea. So although there are many pirates, everyone is safe and sound, after all, who wants to fight with their peers if they can earn oil and water on these merchant ships?"

"Since the business at sea is so easy to do, why do people still like to plunder places?" Lin Feng asked, remembering that he was in the court, and he had heard of pirates plundering places. Many fishing villages along the coast have suffered from them. looting.

"My lord, we are different from those people." Huang Chunsheng sneered at the mention of those people, and said, "They don't deserve to be called pirates at all. They are a bunch of animals."

"General Huang, what is going on here?" Lin Feng continued to ask, is there any hidden secret in this?
"My lord, most of these pirates are not from our Yan Dynasty. Many of them are from Silla and Fusang. They have no advantage at sea, so they harm the people on the shore. We pirates are also very shameless towards these people. Yes, and as long as we encounter their ships, we will definitely attack them." Huang Chunsheng explained to Lin Feng.

There are two types of pirates. One is locals who go to sea to become pirates. These people usually rob merchant ships at sea and will never go ashore.Because there are their parents, sisters and acquaintances on the shore.

The other type is people from other places. Most of these people are from Silla and Fusang.They couldn't stay in the country, so they went into exile.Until they discovered that the Yan Dynasty had no navy, and the Yan Dynasty's official army was very poor in combat effectiveness.So, they started their evil deeds of looting coastal fishing villages.

"These bastards!" Lin Feng couldn't help but swear.Similar things happened in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, these people were called Japanese pirates. They invaded the coast and looted villages.Come to think of it, this scene is so similar.

"My lord, these people live in no fixed place. It's really not easy to catch them. At that time, several of our relatively large pirate groups also planned to do something good for the people along the coast. After all, we all came from there. However, when we wanted to attack them, we found that they couldn't be found at all. Most of the time, they were on the boat. They would never choose a fixed island to settle down." Huang Chunsheng said to Lin Feng.

As fishermen along the coast, Huang Chunsheng and the others were naturally very upset to see their former fishing village being harmed by these Japanese pirates.Especially some villages are the pirates' own home.Some families still live there.

It is also like this that aroused the pirates to crusade against the Japanese pirates, but they couldn't find the Japanese pirates' residence.Although they also intercepted a lot of Japanese pirate ships at sea, this is really not worth mentioning compared to the number of Japanese pirates.

"Sooner or later we have to clean them up," Lin Feng said.Now the court's navy has basically formed combat effectiveness, although the number of ships is still very limited.But Lin Feng still has a powerful army.

Lin Feng's army will not be like the previous ones. When they heard someone invaded the coastal fishing village, they would stay in the city and wait for the pirates to leave before going out to have a look, and then go back after walking around.

If Lin Feng's army heard the news of Japanese pirates invading the fishing village, they would definitely dispatch immediately, and the navy would also intercept them from the sea.With this two-pronged approach, it will be much more difficult for the Japanese pirates to come and go so freely.

"My lord, these damn beasts should be dealt with. Is what they do called human affairs? Although we pirates are not doing anything above board, we are just robbing merchant ships. For these merchants, Although the loss of a ship's cargo is heavy, it will definitely not go bankrupt. However, the robbery of the coastal fishing villages by those beasts is completely non-existent. As long as they have been to the places, they will basically not stay. What are you doing?" Huang Chundong gritted his teeth with hatred when he said this.What those people did was simply too much.

"Don't worry, the imperial navy has formed combat effectiveness, and it's not too late to wipe them out." Lin Feng said to Huang Chunsheng.

After returning from Horseshoe Island, after discussing with Hu Ruowu, Lin Feng and Hu Ruowu decided to let Huang Chunsheng be stationed on Horseshoe Island, lead three battlefields, and be responsible for the safety around Horseshoe Island.Huang Chunsheng was very grateful to Lin Feng for trusting him so much, and thanked Lin Feng again and again.

As for Huang Chunsheng's son, Huang Miao, although his character is not very good, he is indeed talented and learned. After thinking about it, Lin Feng decided to let him be Zhang Heng's deputy in Mawei County first, and become the county magistrate.In the future, the promotion will be decided according to the situation.

The matter in the southeast province came to an end, and Lin Feng had been away from Jinling for a long time. Li Wenyuan had already sent several letters urging Lin Feng to go back.And these days, Ruan Ling'er and Dong'er have almost visited here, so Lin Feng is going to leave for Jinling.

Before Lin Feng left, Hu Ruowu found Lin Feng and said, "My lord, you must not forget the cannon you promised to the general! The ships in the shipyard are almost finished."

"Don't worry, as long as Jinling produces the first batch of artillery, I will send someone to bring it to you." Lin Feng said to Hu Ruowu.After finally sending Hu Ruowu away, Xin Hong found Lin Feng again. Like Hu Ruowu, he also wanted artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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