god of reasoning

Chapter 10 "The Game of Time"

Chapter 10 "The Game of Time" ([-])
The birds were chirping and singing ugly songs in my ears. I opened my eyes and found that I was still lying beside this calm river. The surface of the river was as bright and flat as a mirror, without any ripples.

The sun shines on my face through the mottled leaves above my head. It is already daytime. Did I pass out all night?I looked up at the sky, the position of the sun showed that it should be in the morning, I looked around again, and the silhouette of tall buildings appeared in the distance, it seemed that I had returned to modern times.

What should we do now?Should I go home?If I go back like this, my father will definitely laugh at me. When I think of my father, my heart suddenly feels sore, and I suddenly want to see him very much.

A gust of wind blew up, and under the power of the wind, a newspaper hit my face.What a pity, I tore off the newspaper vigorously, crumpled it into a ball, and was about to throw it into the river, but found that something was wrong, so I quickly retracted the hand that was raised in the air, and then gently unfolded the newspaper.

Very strange layout, I have never seen it before, and I have never heard of the news mentioned above.What "immigration to the moon project initial success", "pros and cons of material facsimile", and so on, are some strange titles.I looked at the headline of the newspaper full of doubts. "Times Morning Post" is a newspaper I often read, but when did the layout change to this way? I remember that it was still the same when I read it yesterday morning. changed.My eyes continued to wander over the newspaper headlines, and I was suddenly stunned.


Could it be?Did I time travel again?Did you travel to the future this time?

"Xiao Yu?" Just as I was stunned, an old voice trembled from behind.

I turned my head and saw an old man with white beard and hair, I didn't know him.But he clearly called my name just now.How did he know me?

"Are you really Xiaoyu?" The old man's voice became more excited, and he staggered towards me.I took a step back subconsciously, and carefully looked at the strange old man in front of me.

His appearance seemed a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.I racked my brains and searched repeatedly in my brain, but it was still in vain.

"Don't you know me?" The old man had already come to me, "I'm Dad!"

After hearing this sentence, I felt as if I was hit by a bolt from the blue.The appearance of the old man in front of him overlapped with the appearance of his father in memory.I glanced at the newspaper in my hand and finally fully understood.I have indeed traveled to the future, and the person in front of me is my father 30 years later.

After listening to my father's narration, I was already in tears.It turned out that after I jumped into the river 30 years ago, people disappeared like evaporation.Dad later called the police and firefighters and searched the river for days without finding my 'body' (at the time Dad thought I had drowned).

My mother left us very early, and it was my father who pulled me into adulthood while working.He has been down and out for half his life, and he pinned all his hopes on me, hoping that I can succeed.But I am obsessed with time travel novels and cannot extricate myself.He planned to guide me away from time-traveling novels and devote all my energy to studying, but because of impulsiveness, he hurt me, causing me to run away from home, and finally jumped into the river to my death.

In this way, he spent the long years in constant self-blame and sadness.In the past 30 years, he has come to this river every day to have a look.Whenever he sees this calm river, it's like seeing me.The river has become his spiritual sustenance.

Today he came to the river as usual, and he saw me at a glance.He will never forget the appearance of his own child, he can hardly believe his eyes, and once thought he was dreaming.Later he found out that I really existed, so he came over to recognize me.

I wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand and hugged my father tightly.Dad also hugged me hard, as if I would disappear again as soon as he let go, indeed, he waited too long to hug him this time.

When my father and I calmed down, my father asked me where I had been for so many years and why my appearance hadn't changed at all.I told him exactly what happened after I jumped into the river that day, and he was surprised when he heard it.Indeed, such a bizarre thing happened, it was hard for anyone to accept it for a while.

Looking at my father's pale beard and hair, his wrinkled face like a dried walnut, and his frail body like a dead tree, the tears I just suppressed came out of my eyes again.

It's all my fault. If I hadn't been so obsessed with time-traveling novels, I wouldn't have had conflicts with my father, and so many things wouldn't have happened later.It was my innocence and willfulness that caused him to suffer such a blow and torture, and I must find a way to make up for it.

I turned my head and glanced at the river that has been quietly listening to our talk.I came to the future from here, so I must be able to go back from here.

Dad seemed to see what I was thinking, and he held me tightly.It was so hard for the father and daughter to meet again, and he didn't want me to take risks again. I can understand this feeling.But when I saw his old face, I couldn't help feeling sad again, because of how much pain and suffering I had caused him to suffer.One can imagine how he spent these 30 years.All of this is my fault, I made him suffer so much, I must make up for it.

Thinking of this, I gently broke away from my father's hand, "Don't worry, I will definitely come back to you, and I will definitely correct history. I will definitely let you live 30 years of happy time again."

Dad knew my temper well and knew he couldn't hold me back, so he reluctantly hugged me again.

After a few minutes, I was out of Dad's arms.Walk to the river that is already very familiar, and jump into it again...

(End of this chapter)

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