god of reasoning

Chapter 33 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "

Chapter 33 "When the Willow Tree Sprouts, I Miss You!" "(Nine)
Although it has been five years, whenever I recall that period of time, I always have lingering fears.

Indeed, too many things happened in succession during that time.And it all started with the murder of Shuangshuang's ex-husband.

Shuangshuang once told me that she grew up in an orphanage without father or mother.Later, after graduating from high school, she began to enter the society. From restaurant waiter to office clerk, she worked in many jobs, and it was at that time that she met her ex-husband.

That was when she was working as a clerk in a foreign company. His ex-husband was her department head. He was young and handsome, and he was the diamond king in the eyes of many female colleagues in the company.But he just fell in love with her, a poor girl.It was only later that she found out that like herself, he was also an orphan who grew up in an orphanage, so she had an inexplicable affection for her.

They fell in love quickly, got married, and then both quit their jobs to become full-time wives at home.Not long after, their child, Xiao Ming, was also born.The family is happy, the husband and wife are loving, and the children are growing up healthily. She told me that at that time, she thought she was in heaven, and all the good things happened to her.

But the happiness didn't last long. After the child was born, she found that her husband was becoming more and more indifferent to her. Apart from still giving her family every month, he rarely went home. Whenever she asked, he always used the excuse of the company busy with work.

When she told me so far, I actually already guessed the outcome of the matter. Although I seldom read books or literary works on TV before I met her, I still knew a little about this clichéd plot Yes, I always thought that those were all lies, but I didn't expect that it actually happened around me, and it still happened to my most beloved person.

After that, things developed like all clichéd romantic dramas. She found out about her husband's affair and filed for divorce.She told me that when she walked out of the divorce office, she suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of relief. Maybe it was the fear of losing her happy life that oppressed her too tiredly. easy.

As compensation for the divorce, she got a considerable amount of property, which is the money left for Xiao Ming and me to use now.But the price to pay is the loss of Xiao Ming's custody.Indeed, compared to himself, his ex-husband's family background is more suitable for Xiao Ming to thrive.

And she met me shortly after her divorce, and then there was the murder of her ex-husband.

Thinking of this, I looked at the computer that had gone to sleep in front of me, which was left to me by Shuangshuang.

In fact, Shuangshuang’s home already has a computer, and when she is bored, she often uses online video chat to relieve boredom.On the day I met me, there happened to be a power outage at home, so I went to the Internet cafe.And it was the only time that I met me, and I still think that maybe it was some secret arrangement for us to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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