god of reasoning

Chapter 56 "Footsteps of Giants"

Chapter 56 "Footprints of Giants" ([-])
Wenze arranged for Xiao Lang to stay in the dining room with Ziyan and Xiangru, mother and daughter, and then followed Wang Jun to Li Shaobai's room with Zhang Yang.

Because it is a hotel, the structure and furnishings of each room are similar.In a room of about ten square meters, there is a bed next to the window, and a bedside table next to the bed.A chair was overturned in the middle of the room, and Li Shaobai was hanging in the middle of the room with a rope around his neck.

"How did this happen? Is it suicide?" Wen Ze asked as if talking to himself.

"It seems so. How could he commit suicide because of such a trivial matter?" Wang Jun replied tremblingly, not knowing whether it was because of the cold or fear.

"I don't think so!" Zhang Yang circled around Shaobai's body a few times, looked again and again, and then checked the overturned chair.

"Why do you say that?" Wen Ze asked with a puzzled face.


Under Zhang Yang's reminder, Wen Ze and Wang Jun inspected Xia Shaobai's body carefully again. His neck was wrapped in a noose tied to the ceiling fan on the ceiling, and his body was drooping, only about 10 centimeters from the ground.And the height of the overturned chair was almost 50 centimeters.

"So, if Shaobai committed suicide, then after he stepped on the chair, his head should have reached the ceiling. If he wants to put his neck into the noose that is about 20 centimeters lower than the ceiling, he has to bend his body." Said. Then, Zhang Yang demonstrated this posture, "As you can see, it is very awkward. So if it were me, I should use the small bench that is only 10 cm high in the bathroom instead of this 50 cm high chair. So this It is very likely not a suicide, but a murder disguised as a suicide by the murderer!"

"Your analysis is indeed reasonable, so what should we do?" Wen Ze, who had always been prudent, was a little flustered now and asked Zhang Yang for his opinion.

"Let's call the police first."

Wen Ze immediately took out his mobile phone and called 110. After briefly explaining the situation, the other party told him that because the resort was located in the outskirts of the city and the roads were heavily snowed, they estimated that it would take about 2 hours to arrive.

"The police won't arrive until 2 hours later, let's go back to the restaurant first." After hanging up the phone, Wen Ze repeated what the police said.

"What about Shaobai? Just let him hang like this? Let's put him down." Wang Jun suggested.

"No, we can't touch anything until the police arrive." After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he turned and left the room.

"Okay..." Wang Jun looked back at his dead former teammate for the last time while walking, and suddenly bumped into something. He turned his head and saw that Zhang Yang was blocking the door, "What are you doing standing here? Why don't you leave?"

"Look at..."

Following the direction of Zhang Yang's finger, Wen Ze and Wang Jun looked together, but saw nothing, only a piece of white snow.

"What are you looking at? There's nothing but snow." Wang Jun muttered.

"That's right, what I show you is snow."

(End of this chapter)

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